War of 1812

  • James Madison's Election Date

    James Madison's Election Date
    James Madison was elected today.
  • James Madison askes Congress to go to war

    James Madison askes Congress to go to war
  • Impressment

    The British forces forced American merchantmen into their Navy because they were battling the French
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
  • Ft. Niagara Captured

    Ft. Niagara Captured
  • British burn the White House

    British burn the White House
    This was the day that the British burned the White House
  • Star-Spangled-Banner words written

    Star-Spangled-Banner words written
    The words to our national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner, was written on this day.
  • Treaty of Ghent signed

    Treaty of Ghent signed
    This was the date that the Treaty of Ghent was signed, ending the war.