United States declares war on Great Britain
Unitad Stated delcared war as a result of numerous disputes between the two countires. British attempts to restricts U.S trade the Royal Navy's impressment of American seaman and America;s desire to expland it's territory. -
General William Hull Enters Canada
On 12 July, Hull and his men crossed into Canada, where he did nothing more than release proclamations on the horror of war that would befall any British, Aboriginal or Canadian troops who faced them. -
Fort Michilimackinac surrenders.
They quickly surrendered without a fight following a single warning shot by the British. This was the first land engagement of the War of 1812 in the United States . -
Battle of Fort Dearborn
The battle lasted only about 15 minutes and resulted in a complete victory for the Indians. Fort Dearborn was burned down and those soldiers and settlers that survived were taken captive. Some were later ransomed. After the war, however, settlers continued to seek to enter the area, the fort was rebuilt in 1816, and settlers and the government were now convinced that all Indians had to be removed from the territory, far away from the settlement. -
Battle of Frenchtown
The Battle of Frenchtown (Battle of the River Raisin in Monroe Michigan) was the largest battle fought on Michigan soil. This battle was a major defeat for the Americans and was one of the bloodiest engagements during the War of 1812. -
Battle of York
Americans capture York (now Toranto) -
The Battle of Stoney Creek
The brittish attacked Americans at night and stoped the Americans from capturing Hamilton and the Western half of Lake Ortario. -
The Battle of Lake Erie
The American Navy won this battle. They also captured nine vessles from the British which ensured a win for Americans. -
The battle of Thames
Near present-day Chatman Oraninto in upper Canada. Resulted in the death of Shawnee Cheif Tecumseh, and the destruction of the Native American coaltition which he led. -
The Capture of Fort Niagara
The understrength American garrison was taken by surprised, and the fort captured in a night asssult by a select force of british regular infantry. -
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek Indians. Won killing 75% Indians and leaving the rest wounded -
The Brititsh Burned Washington
The British broke through and tried to burn the city of Washington down. The White House is burned down, and is later rebuilt. -
Battle of Plattsburg
In this battle Americans were outnumbered by merely 6,000 troups. This battle being a huge victory over the 10,000 troup+ British force. -
The Treaty of Ghent
This was the peacy treaty that ended the war of 1812. It took two weeks for everyone to know that the war was ended. -
War of 1812 Ends
Ratifications of the Peace Treaty exchanged and President Madison declares the war at an end.