Period: to
The was of 1812
President Madison Takes Office
James Madison was quiet, and a scholary man. He helped write the Constitution and to pass the Bill of Rights. He hoped to keep the United States out of war. Americans argued that their United States must stand up to the Native Americans. -
War Hawks Take Power
President Madison did not want war, The Americans were not cautious. In New England, many merchants wanted to restore trade with Britain. The War Hawks had a strong sense of nationalism. -
USS Constitutyion Scores a Victory
Isaac Hill spotted the British ship, for almost one hour the two ships jockeyed for position. The USS Constitution was known as "Old Ironsides" because British connonballs bounced off think wooded hull. 1905, the ship was underwent major restoration. Also while Britian and America are at war, a major sea battle was fought -
Relations with Great Britain Worsen
Fighting with the Native Americans caused bad tension between United States and Britain. The relations with Britain woresened. The British were encouraging Indians to attack United States settlements. -
Congress Declares War on Britain
United States and Britain were getting closer to war. The warships of the British blockaded some American ports to provent them from trading with France. On May 1811, near New York Harbor a battle broke out between American frigate and a British ship. The Americans cripple the British ship, they left thiry-two British men dead and some wounded. -
America is not Ready for War
War did not come at a good time for the British, they were still at war in Europe. War Began, Americans were confident that they would win. The Navy had only six-teen ships to fight against the huge British fleet. Many of the officers knew little about the military.United Sates wanted independence. They did not like to be pushed around. a lot of guns and weapens. -
Britain Blockades American Ports
The British wanted to prevent Americans from trading with France, so they blockaded some American ports. The British continued to board American ships and impress American seamen. By reinforcing the British troops, by the end of the war thery were able to close of all the American Port. The British feared that the United States would win the land. The south and west became more inflanential. -
Invasion of Canada
William Hull moved American troops into Canada from Detroit. Hull was not sure of himself, He did not have enough soldiers, soon he had to retreated the British command head. General Isaac Brockhad took advantage. Canadians had a few untrained troops to ward off the invasion. They were led by a skillful British leader, his name was Isacc Brock. -
Battle of Thames
The Americans won a decisive victory at the Battle of Thames. Tecumseh died in the Battle of Thames. Without Tecumseh's leadership, the Indian confederation fell apart. -
Horeshoe Bend
Andrew Jackson, a Tennesse officer, he took command of the American troops in Creek War. In 1814, with the help of the Cherokeews Jackson won a crushing the Creek warriors. -
Washington, D.C. Attacked and Burned
British ships sailed into Chesapeake Bay an invaison force about thirty miles from Washington D.C. President Madison watched the battle happen. The British marching to the capital and then the war happened. -
Battle of Lake Erie
Captain Oliver Hazard Perry had no fleet, he designed and built his own ships. He sailed his little fleet against the British. The British battered Perry's own ship and left it helpless. -
Attack on Baltimore
From evening September 13 until dawn, September 14 British rockets bombarded the harbor. British troops Marched in capital, Madison gathered up important papers of George Washington. Dolly Madison fled the south, she did not see the British burn down the White House. -
Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
Francis Scott Key watched the attack, at dawn. Key saw the American flag still flying over the fort. On the back of an old envelope Key wrote a poem called (The Star Spangled Banner). The poem that Key wrote told the story of the nights watch, it became very popular. Then became a very popular song. -
Hartford Convention
Delegates from around New England met in Hartfor, Connecticut. Most of them were Federalists. They disliked the Republican President and the war. While the delegates debated what to do, new of the peace treaty arrived. Hartford Coventione ended very quicklyThe protest was meaningless with the war over. -
Treaty of Ghent
Tthe Treaty of Ghent was signed in the city of Ghent, Belgium on December 24,1814. Britain and the United States agreed to restore prewar conditions. John Quincy Adams, one of the Americans at Ghent, summed up the treaty in one sentence: "Nothing was adusted, nothing was settled". -
Battle of New Orleans
From New Orleans they hoped to sail up the Mississippi. Andrew Jackson was waiting for the British. Jackson took Pensacola in Spanish, Florida to keep the British from using it as a base.