War of 1812

  • Period: to

    The war of 1812

  • Presidend Madison Tackes Office

    Americans were mad at Britain for arming Native Americans in New York. The Americans resented the impresment of American salors by the British.Hanery Clay, and John Calhoun became leaders of house of representatives. after this they made a new Nationilism.
  • War Hawks take Power

    War Hawks are people (members) of the congress from the South West. The War Hawks have a strong sense of nationalism.They felt that British colony was acting like the U.S as their own Country. Henry Clay of Kentucky was the best and a outspoken person in the War Hawks group. The War Hawks saw other advantages of war with Britain
  • Relations with great Britain Worsen

    -British had 135 war ships while the Americans had 16 war ships.British had a hard time with the Americans because their constitution Hull was made of iron.The Americans War Ship was nicknamed old ironsides because of the ship was tough so it felt like it had iron sides. British took 2,000 Americans captive.
  • Americans are not ready for War

    Americans declared war on Britian and that suprised the British. Jefferson belivedin small Fedeeral Government and had reduced spending on defense. America had a small army and not good equipment.America only had 16 war ships. Many of the officers did not know a lot about the army and war. America lost this battle.
  • Britain Blocks American Ports

    British had 135 war ships on th Alantic ocean. British blocked the Ports of America the first day at war. Americans had thick wooden hulls. A ship was nicknamed old ironsides. Americans defeated the British.
  • Invasion of Canada

    America invaded Canada. They came from Detroit. The General hull reteated. 2000 Americans were inslaved by the Brtish armys. U.S.A was defeated.
  • USS. Constitution Scores a victory

    Americas ships were nicknamed ironsides, because of their iron hulls. the Americans won this battle.The Americans had to do very little to win this war because the British reatred because the Americans ships were to thick of wood.
  • Battle of Lake Erie.

    Americans wanted Lake Erie so they went out for war to get it. Oliver Hazard Parry desinged and built the ships. Parrys ship was destroyed by the Brtish and Parry swam over to his outher ship and raised the corers again for more war.Parry said to his crue "We have met the enemy and they are ours." The Americans won Lake Erie.
  • Battle of Thames

    The Indian Confederaation soon fell apart.Will Henry Harrison Veteran of the Tippecanoe persued the people to fight once more. Perrys ship was distroyed. Perry took his flag down and raised over to another American ship and raised the colors again and went bake to the battle. Americans won that battle.
  • Horseshoe Bend

    Jackson was America leader. Americans won that battle. with that victory the treaty of Ghent ended.The Native Americans had to give up their land to the Americans. and they were enslaved by the Americans and were put to hard back breaking work.
  • Congress Declares War on Britain

    Americans invaded Canada. Americans were Convinced they would win so they went easy on canada.The Americans had 7000 soldiers.Americans also had 16 war Ships they also tryed invadeing America.
  • Washington D,C attacked and Burned

    British shios sailed into Chesapeake Bay and Landed an invasion that was about 30 miles from Washinton D.C. British met American soldiers at Bladensbry Maryland. President Madison watched the Battle from his room in the White house. British burned the White house and outher homes.
  • Attack on Baltimore

    The British attacked Baltimore.In Baltimor fort McHenry defended them. Dolly Madison took important papers form the white house and ran to the south and saved the papers from burnningor the British tacking them and useing them.
  • Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Scott Key wote the Star Spangled Banner in a poem first.1931 Congress made the poem he wrot in to a song the the National Anthem.When the Americans won Scott saw a flag hanging and put it into his poem.Brtish invaded American ports and atacked.Fort McHenry deffended America during that time.
  • Hartford Convention

    A group of Federalists started Hartford convention. New England Started a Treaty one with the U.S. New England disliked war very much and they were getting tiered of it. The Hartford Convention ended quickly.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    John Gent summoned the treaty. The treaty sined in Belguin.This treaty was singed the day befor Christmas on the day if Christmas eve. people were just figuering out that the war of 1812 was a mistake. The treaty read that " Nothing was adjusted nothing was going to get settled."
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Andrew Jakson was the American General.he won the Battle aganst the Brtish. The treaty was singed.When they sent the treaty bake to America it took weeks to send and get there. The treaty was singed on Christmas eve.