Chesapeake-leopard fight
It was in June of 1807 3 miles off Norfolk, Va when Chesapeake fired on by Leopard after refusing to be boarded. 3 Americans killed, 18 wounded -
Embargo Act
In Washington D.C. Jefferson's attempt at "peaceful coercion" resi;ted om economic disaster for merchants -
Invasion attempts of Canada
The U.S. attempted 3 times to incade Canada. All 3 invasions failed -
Battle of Frenchtown
Kentucky troops repelled by British and Indians in bloody fighting. American survivors killed in Raisin River Massacre -
Battle of York
U.S. troops took control of Great Lakes, burned York. This action later returned by the British burning of D.C. -
Battle of Thames
Tecumseh killed in U.S. victory. NW Indians weakened by battle -
Battle of Plattsburgh
U.S. secured northern border with victory over larger British force -
Hartford Convention
Group of Federalists discussed secession, propose 7 amendments to protect influence of Northeast states -
Treaty of Ghent
British and American diplomats agreed on status quo ante bellum -
Battle of New Orleans
Jackson's forces defeated British. 700 British killed, 1400 wounded. U.S. losses: 8killed, 13 wounded