Election of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was elected president on November 6, 1860. In the election of 1860, Lincoln was posed against John C. Breckinridge, Stephen Douglas, and John Bell. Abraham was a Republican while the others were Democrats and a Constitutional Union candidate.. -
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Battle of Fort Sumter
This Battle in Charleston, South Carolina was a huge implication on the civil war. Why? Because it started the war! It was a federal outpost that was attacked by confederate troops surrounding the post with heavy guns. Because of this, Abraham Lincoln had to bring in more ships to provide supplies for the Union. -
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First Battle of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run took place in Virginia on July 16, 1861. This battle was the first major land battle between the two armies. Irvin McDowell and the Union army attacked the confederate forces and held them back to Henry Hill. The union had the upper hand, but the confederate army took a strike back, breaking their right flank. The Union army ended up retreating back and the Confederacy army prevailed. -
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Second Battle of Bull Run
The second battle of Bull Run took place in Prince William County in Virginia. The battle was won by Robert E. Lee and the confederate army, after giving a few blows to the Union's Federal Supply Base and attacked them later in the day. The clashing between the two armies resulted in heavy casualties for both sides in the end. -
Battle of Anetietam
The Battle of Antietam was a battle held in Sharpsburg, Maryland on September 17, 1862. The Battle was ignited due to a couple of assaults between the armies. During the battle, the Union were slowly breaking down the confederate defense, but there was another army fighting in this battle other than the two main enemies, the Army of Potomac. This battle ended up as the bloodiest battle in the Civil war, and it was a huge battle. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was a document published on January 1,1863. This proclamation addressed that all slaves "shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free". This proclamation was a very huge turning point to abolishing slavery in the United States. -
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Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania from July 1,1863 to July 3,1863. This battle was a back and forth battle in which the Union and the Confederacy attacked one another for three days. Both armies were exhausted by the end of the war, as both armies tried their hardest to maintain their troops and win. Unfortunately, there was no winner in this battle, and both armies lost a bunch of soldiers that battle. -
Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln made his speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on November 19,1863. This speech was known as the most important speech in American history, sharing the dedication towards the thousands that lost their lives in a very bloody war. He addressed the equality of people and the sacrifices of the Civil War, which he said was "a birth of freedom". -
Surrender of Confederate forces
The surrender of confederate forces took place on July 9, 1865 after many battles against the Union. The confederate forces had a big tumble, having fallen their confederate capital, Richmond in Virginia. 7 days later, the confederate forces surrendered in Appomattox. This surrender officially ended the Civil War, which held on for 4 years. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
One of the greatest historical figures in American history was assassinated on April 15,1865. He was assassinated in Washington D.C. by John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor at the time, which happened in Ford's Theatre during a play.