Pay Rates
Average annual salary of Sheriff in Garrettsville: $91,623
Average annual salary of Patrol Officer in Garrettsville: $47,825
Average annual salary of Patrol Officer in the U.S.: $51,006 -
This includes obtaining a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. You also need to go through a department's police academy to check your physical and mental health and to teach you about law enforcement. Training includes weapon use, safe driving, self defense, traffic control and interviewing techniques. Police officers must also know local and state laws, as well as the civil rights of suspects, such as your right to remain silent. -
In the next 10 years, the need for law enforcemnet jobs is expected to rise about 7%. Although hiring opportunities could be affected by changes in government departments and our economy, the need for jobs to enforce the safety of our people is going to steadily increase. -
Tasks and Responsibilities
A police officers duties may vary from a whole range of different tasks, but the main idea is to protect life and property. Different assignments include checking parking meters, responding to fires, accidents or any other incidents considered to be a misdemeanor or felony. At the scene of the crime they provide first aid and gather information about the incident and other witnesses's views. They also patrol either in a radio cruiser. on motorcycle or bike to enfore laws and ordinances and to -
Physical Setting
If you're a patrol officer, most of your time will be spent out in the field in a police cruiser. These are the cops you see sitting around waiting to pull you over for no reason. Or if you live in Garrettsville, they just sit there and do nothing. If you do happen to arrest someone, you'll be back at the station booking that person and doing a lot of paperwork. -
Working Conditions
Police officers are often full-time, meaning that over a period of two weeks you can work up to 80 hours. Overtime shifts are not uncommon and often are assigned to rookies. In a smaller department overtime may just be assigned in a rotation of schedules. You can also add in mandatory meetings and late night calls. Daily hours can vary from 8 to 10 to 12 hour shifts. -
Overall, I don't think going into the Law Enforcement field would be too bad, especially if you don't really know what you want to do. Of course, the difficulty of your job could depend on where you work. A small town wouldn't be all that bad and you have a relatively small chance of getting killed in a place like Garrettsville. Its also not the highest paying job, but if you don't have a family it would pay enough then some. Sometimes I think police get a bad wrap, and I agree with it because t