
Voting Rights U.S. Timeline

  • 15th Amendment

    this amendment was created to make it so states could not deny the right to vote to anyone based on their skin color. this amendment had many loopholes however because states soon realised they could make people pass knowledge tests or make them pay poll tax
  • 19th amendment

    this amendment was passed so no state could deny a women the right to vote just because of their gender.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    The Indian Citizenship Act of Congress granted citizenship to any Native Americans born within the United States of America
  • The McCarran-Walter Act

    The McCarran-Walter Act required associations that the government considered Communist to register with the government and submit information about membership, finances, and activities.
  • Freedom Summer

    The Freedom Summer was a 1964 voter registration drive aimed at increasing the number of registered Black voters in Mississippi.
  • 24th amendment

    This amendment abolished poll taxes. Poll taxes were a primary reason that states used to dent the right to vote to African Americans.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    this amendment prohibited any racial discrimination in any voting poll.
  • 26th amendment

    this amendment lowered the legal voting age from 21 to 18. the main uprising for this amendment was that people as young as 18 were getting drafted by the government to go serve in Vietnam but were unable to vote.
  • Motor Voter Law

    The National Voter Registration Act, also known as the Motor Voter law required state governments to allow for registration when a qualifying voter applied for or renewed their driver's license or applied for social services.
  • Help America Vote Act of 2002

    The Help America Vote Act of 2002 required that the states offer provisional ballots for those persons whose names were not on the voter list