1789 - Constitution is ratified
Putting the ideals of the Constitution into effect. -
1810 - Religious qualifications dropped
Religion no longer being an aspect you must posess. -
1850 - Property requirements dropped
No longer having to own property to vote. Still only white males. -
1867 - 15th Amendment
Gives former slaves the right to vote. Still only men. -
1920 - 19th Amendment
Garenteeing woman suffrage. Now men and women may vote together. -
1961- 23rd Amendment
District of Columbia may now vote in Presidential Elcections. -
1964- 24th Amendment
Bans poll tax for federal elections. -
1965 - Voting Rights Act of 1965
Eliminates the literacy test for voting minorities. Eliminates barriers. -
1971- 26th Amendment
Sets voting age to 18.