
Abby Mitchell

By kmills2
  • Beginning of Voting

    Voting is controlled by individual state legislatures, only white men over the age of 21, who own land are allowed to vote at this time.
  • Women's Rights Movement Begins

    A group of abolitionist activists gathered in Seneca Falls, New York to discuss the problem of women’s rights. All came to the conclusion and agreed that "American women were autonomous individuals who deserved their own political identities."
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    of the U.S. Constitution
    grants full citizenship rights
    This means voting rights to all men born in the US
  • National Woman Suffrage Association

    A group was formed called the National Woman Suffrage Association. They soon began to fight for a universal-suffrage amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • 15th Amendment

    The 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution eliminates racial barriers, but Native Americans still can't vote
    to voting
    Though many states still continue to discriminate and find other ways to stop African Americans from voting
    (such as poll taxes,literacy tests, fraud)
  • Women's Rights start to expand

    Some states in the West began to extend the vote to women. Women were finally getting what they had been fighting for all alone
  • The 19th Amendment, Women's Rights to Vote

    The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified, giving women the right to vote nationwide.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    The Indian Citizenship Act grants Native Americans Citizenship and
    the right to vote.
  • 23rd Amendment

    The amendment gives District of Columbia residents the ability to vote for the country’s president and vice president
  • 24th amendment

    This amendment prohibits both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax
  • Lyndon B. Johnson

    Lyndon B. Johnson was elected president
  • Voting Act of 1965

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed to overcome legal barriers that prevented African Americans from having their right to vote.
  • Selma to Montgomery march

    During the Martin Lither King lead march, participants were met by Alabama state troopers who attacked them with nightsticks, tear gas and whips after they refused to turn back.
    In the end many protesters were severely beaten while others ran for their lives.
  • 1965 Voting Act Revised

    They renew it for another 5 years and congress finds that many states are purposefully ignoring some provisions of the law. In the hearings about the law’s extension, Congress heard about the many ways voting electorates were manipulated through gerrymandering, annexations, at-large elections
  • 26th Amendment

    The 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution lowers the voting
    age to 18
  • 1965 Voting Act Revised

    They ruled that voters must prove racially discriminatory intent in order to prevail in litigation under the VRA
  • Felon Voting Rights

    Twenty-Eight US states changed their laws on felon voting rights, voting rights and ate restored to a convicted felon upon completion of his or her sentence. Sentence includes prison time, parole, and probation.mostly to restore rights or to simplify the process of restoration.
  • 1975 Voting Rights Act revised again

    The U.S. Census reveals that Washington’s non-English
    speaking population has grown large enough that some
    counties must translate voting materials in compliance
    with the 1975 Voting Rights Act
  • Top Two Primary

    Washington enacts the “Top 2 Primary” that allows voters to choose
    any candidate regardless of party preference