voting rights in the us

  • constitution is rattified

    white, land owning males could vote
  • religious qualifications dropped

    all white landowning males can vote; religion does not matter
  • property requirments dropped

    property and land ownership laws dropped. almost all white males could vote.
  • 15th ammendment

    gave former slaves the right to vote. protects the right of all males of any race to vote
  • 19th ammendment

    women can vote at this time.
  • 23rd ammendment

    voters of the District of Columbia to participate in presidential election.
  • 24th ammendment

    bans the poll tax on voting in federal elections. poor people can vote
  • voting rights act of 1965

    protects the rights of minority voters and eliminates literacy test.
  • 26th ammendment

    anyone older than 18 can vote.