Voting Rights in the United States

  • Constitution is ratified

    Only white males who owned property could vote.
  • Religious qualifications dropped

    the last qualification to vote was taken away.
  • Property requirements dropped

    Now almost all adult males could vote because you didn't have to have property requirements
  • 15th Amendment

    This gave former slaves the right to vote and also protected the voting rights of men of any race
  • 19th Amendment

    Women's Suffrage is guaranteed
  • 23rd Amendment

    Now the District of Columbia can now participate in Presidential elections
  • 24th Amendment

    Banned poll tax as a requirement for Federal elections
  • Votings Rights Act of 1965

    This protected the rights of minority voters and eliminated voting barriers like the literacy test
  • 26th Amendment

    This set the minumum age requirement for voting to 18.