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Voting rights
13th Amendment
After the civil war had ended, the 13th Amendment had banned slavery in the U.S. After that, African Americans are now free from slavery forever. -
15th Amendment
4 years after the civil war, voting rights was given to minority males which later turns out that African Americans were treated differently than white people. Later on, this event would cause another event that the southern states had pass. -
Laws to take voting rights from African Americans
Years after the voting rights for males, the southern states had pass a law that could not allow African Americans to vote in election days. -
Supreme Court rules that literacy tests are constitutional
The Supreme court of the U.S. had declared that the literacy tests on Africans Americans and white Americans are constitutional when voting for elections. This event had made many Africans Americans to wanting to get rid of it as the test is unfair to them. -
Supreme Court declares "Grandfather clause" unconstitutional
The Supreme court had declared that the Grandfather clause is unconstitutional in the U.S. The courts had chosen this because most Africans Americans Grandparents were slaves before, so they can't vote because of that. -
19th Amendment
Back in the days, Men was the only gender to be able to vote for elections, But as years goes by, women decided to protest in the U.S. so they could be able to have voting rights just like men. Then came the 19th amendment that grants all women rights to vote for elections too. -
Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional
The poll taxes meant that all citizens had to pay if they are voting for someone. This help the government to get more money, but it is a bad choice for them. Many Americans were mad that they had to pay when voting because some can't afford to vote and it was against the U.S. constitution. -
24th Amendment
Freedom summer
voting right act