Voting Rights

  • Period: to

    Voting Rights

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This event is important becasue this event was the event that abolished slavery.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This event is importaned because it gave all males the right to vote. The race did not matter.
  • Laws to take voting right from African-Americans

    Laws to take voting right from African-Americans
    This event is important becasue souther states tried to take away the voting rights to Africxan-Americans.
  • Supreme Court rules the literacvy test are constitutuional.

    Supreme Court rules the literacvy test are constitutuional.
    This event is important because taking the test and doing good would mean you could vote.
  • Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" uncostitutional.

    Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" uncostitutional.
    This event is important because it made it so that you could vote even if your grandparents where slaves.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This event is important because it gave the right for women to vote.
  • Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional

    Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional
    This even is important becaue it was a law made sayng that to vote you had to pay money.
  • 24th Amendment

    This event is important because it outlaws the law that says you have to pay to vote.
  • Freedom Summer

    This event important because it was a law that was attempting to make African-Americansable to vote in Mississippi.
  • Voting Rights Act

    tHis event is important because is bans all racial and ethnic discrimination in elections.