Voting Rights

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Abolishes slavery, This even is important because our nation finally stoped slavery, one of the most horrible things our nation participated in.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    gives minority males the right to vote, This is event lead to many states passing laws that make it hard for African Americans to vote.
  • laws to take away black voting rights

    laws to take away black voting rights
    This is lead to to laws that where unfair and decreased the number of African American voters.
  • Supreme courts rule literary tests are constitutional

    Supreme courts rule literary tests are constitutional
  • Supreme Court rules "grandfather clause" unconstitutional

    Supreme Court rules "grandfather clause" unconstitutional
    This lead to increased voting right because many African Americans couldn't vote because there grandfather was a slave but now they could
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Women's right to vote, This event lead to increased voting rights because now women can vote so all of the population now can be herd and have there right.
  • Supreme court rules that poll taxes are constitutional

    Supreme court rules that poll taxes are constitutional
  • 24th Amendment

    outlaws poll taxes, This is important because it wasn't fair that you had to pay to vote because that discriminates poor people who are mostly minority's.
  • Freedom Summer

    Register African Americans to vote
  • Voting right acts

    This is important because it Bans racial and ethic discrimination in elections so in the future no state could take away any citizens right to vote.