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Voting Rights
13th Amendment
Why is the 13th Amendment important?
The 13th Amendment abolishes slavery, it was right after the end of the Civil War. This was a huge step for giving rights to minorities. It was an inspiration and it finally gave way to the improvement of African Americans. -
15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment lead to increase voting rights because minority males gets the right to vote. The government is slowly adapting the fact that voting is for all citizens. -
Laws to take voting rights from African-Americans
How does the 1896 event of taking away voting rights of African Americans lead to the next event?
After minority males are given the right to vote, African Americans' rights are being taken away. The Supreme Court then made it harder for them to vote due to this issue. There is still a lot of discrimination and it created more tensed events. -
Supreme Court rules that literacy tests are constitutional
Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional
How does the "declaring the Grandfather Clause unconstitutional" lead to increased voting right?
Because many people's grandfather are still slaves they are unable to vote. After declaring it unconstitutional many people now are able to vote without to worry whether or not their grandfathers are slaves. -
19th Amendment
Supreme Court rule that poll taxes are constitutional
The Supreme Court declaring poll taxes are constitutional is an important event because this made Americans realized that this just made it harder for everyone to vote. And they will not allow the government to take advantage of their votes this way. It's not just targeting a specific group of people, it made it harder for everyone to vote. -
24th Amendment
Freedom Summer
How does the Freedom Summer lead to the Voting Rights Act?
Southern states were typically against giving rights, especially voting rights. An attempt to registering African-Americans to vote in Mississippi lead to the ideas that discriminating African-Americans should no longer be constitutional. It was basically a needed thrust to create change. It challenged a lot of people, so a second bigger event came to play after. -
Voting Rights Act
Why is the Voting Rights Act an important event?
This event tied up all the events that previously happened and they came to their final decision to ban racial and ethnic discrimination in elections. This act made it more equal for citizens. This was a step to equality in the U.S. since it was about making your voice heard in politics. This allowed the government to think about possible contribution of different people. It gave the U.S. government a new path to follow.