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Voting Rights

  • The 1st Presidential Election

    Only white men were allowed to vote, the Electoral College was created
  • Women's Suffrage Movement

    First national movement for women's rights occurred in Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848.
  • 15th Amendment

    All men 21 and older were allowed to vote
  • Women Get the Right to Vote / 19th Amendment

  • Poll Taxes Banned

    The 24th Amendment is changed to banned the use of poll taxes in federal elections
  • Voting Rights Act

    Banned literacy tests and enforce the 15th Amendment to a federal level. It also lets federal examiners who can register voters in certain jurisdictions.
  • 26th Amendment / Voting Age 18

    Lowers voting right to 18 and over for all U.S. citizens
  • Help America Vote Act

    The U.S. Election Assistance Commission improved voting equipment and maintained the National Voter Registration form and administer a national elections clearinghouse with shared practices