voteing rights

By 1063556
  • Period: to

    voteing rights

    this is a timeline
  • 13th amamend

    13th amamend
    the end of the civel war and 13 amament aboslishes slavory
  • 15 amament

    15 amament
    15 amament gives majorty of males the right to vote
  • laws to take voteing rights rfom afircan amircans

    laws to take voteing rights rfom afircan amircans
    many southners pass the law to take voteing rights rfom afircan amircans
  • surpreme cort ruls that litercy test are constutnel

    surpreme cort ruls that  litercy test are constutnel
    supreme corte rules that literacy test are constutnel
  • grandfather claws unconstutnel

    grandfather claws unconstutnel
    surpreme cort rules that grandfather claws are unconstutne
  • 19th amament

    19th amament
    19th amamen grants woman the right to vote
  • Poole taxes are constututnel

    Poole taxes are constututnel
    surpreme cort ruls that pole taxes are constutnuel
  • 24 amament

    24 amament
    the 24 amament outlaws pole taxes
  • freeom summer

    freeom summer
    freeom summer is an attempt toregester african amircans to vote in mississippy
  • voteing rights act

    voteing rights act
    voting rights act banes racial and ethnic discriminates in elections