
Vladimir Lenin Timeline

  • Vladimir Lenin Is Born

    Vladimir Lenin Is Born
    On April 10, 1870 Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov is born in the town of Simbirsk Russia. He later used the alias Lenin instead of his real name and Simbirsk is renamed to Ulyanovsk. He had 6 siblings and his whole family was well educated, which would lead to his success and passion. He was the third child of a prominent Russian family and would go on to change Russia forever.
  • The First Kentucky Derby

    The First Kentucky Derby
    In 1875 the kentucky derby started an American tradition that has lasted over 100 years. This is an important event because it became a symbol of the American dream and started an era of sports becoming more and more popular. The horse race was inspired by the European races, but it soon became a tradition of southern life. Not only was it iportant to the south but it soon became popular across the country and it could provide a distraction during bad times like wars or economic depressin.
  • His Older Brother Is Executed

    His Older Brother Is Executed
    Lenin's Oldest brother, Aleksandr, was Involved in a plot to assassinate the tsar of Russia, Alexander III. He was the leader of St. Petersburg terrorists and when the police suspected the plot they seized the group and arrested them. Aleksandr was tried for conspiracy and he confessed to crimes that he never commited so that he could protect his comrades. On May 8 he was hanged and for the rest of his life Lenin was determined to avenge his brother and make the government pay for their actions.
  • He is exiled to Siberia

    He is exiled to Siberia
    After his brother was killed, Lenin became dedicated to revolutionary ideas. He began to connect with other Marxists in St. Petersburg and the government began to get suspicious. In December 1895, he was arrested along with other revolutionary and Marxist leaders. He was exiled to Siberia for 3 years along with his fiancee. During his exile, he started using the alias Lenin, which he would continue to use for the rest of his life.
  • X- Rays are discovered

    X- Rays are discovered
    The discovery of x rays was a huge event for the future of civilization because of the important benefits of it. More medical discoveries followed this and something like a broken bone wasnt as hard to treat. Though this wasnt the only use for the x-rays it has certainly become a prominent one. If these were never discovered then other scientific and medical innovations would not be invented.
  • Quantam Theory Proposed

    Quantam Theory Proposed
    The Quantam theory is one of the most important and iconic scientific theoris of modern history. Though it would evolve into more specific and complex theories, it first originated in 1900 and was proposed by Max Planck. In the 20th century, this was an important theory and it led to other discoveries and new technology that help scientist understand physics and the enviroment. This was the birth of modern physics.
  • Failed Attempt to Overthrow the Czar

    Failed Attempt to Overthrow the Czar
    In 1905, protests broke out against the Russo-Japenese War, which caused a massacre at the Czar's palace. In response to this, more protests and strikes broke out and Vladimir Lenin returned to Russia to lead the Bolsheviks in their attempt for a revolution. He argues that the workers should revolt against the czar amd establish a new socialist government. Unfortunately for him though, the czar was desperate to save his power and he made many reforms to satisfy most citizens and end the revolt.
  • North Pole is reached

    North Pole is reached
    One of the most important exploration discoveries was reaching the north pole in 1909. This was very important because it demonstrated how far exploration had become and many countries would try to claim parts of the region in more recent history. Reaching the pole was a symbol of a nations technology and the race to the pole had been important for national pride.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The sinking of the RMS Titanic was a global disaster that greatly affected travel by sea in the decades to come. After this event, many programs and systems were established to prevent further accidents. For example, an early version of the coast guard was set up to moniter ice conditions in the Atlantic. New standards were set for shipping and overall, sailing became much safer over the years due to this disaster.
  • World War 1 Starts

    World War 1 Starts
    The first world war breaks out when Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by a Serbian nationalist part of the Black Hand terrorist group. This event was the beginning of modern warfare and technology and millions of peopler lost their lives. Not only did it cause death and technology but it also cause World War 2 which affected more countries and economies. Wars were forever changed and everything from tactics to war crimes and weapons were revolutionized.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    Lenin led the Bolshevik party in a successful attempt to take control of the government in 1917. When the government became corrupted and unproductive, a provisional government was set up to replace the imperial rule. Vladimir Lenin saw this as an opportunity and the Bolsheviks took over the government . After they gain control, the Bolsheviks must fight off counter revolutions so that they can maintain their power. They took control of the government and Lenin was made the dictator.
  • Lenin is Almost Assassinated

    Lenin is Almost Assassinated
    During the civil war between the Red Army(Supporters of Lenin) and the White Army(Enemies of Lenin) Lenin is shot twice after he gives a speech. Fanya Kaplan sees Lenin as a traitor to the revolution when the Bolsheviks ban her party and she tries to take revenge by killing him. Lenin is badly injured but he recovers from the attempt. The bullets are never removed from his body and many experts think they could cause some of his health issues later on in life.
  • Lenin Issues the New Economic Policy

    Lenin Issues the New Economic Policy
    When the other political parties were defeated by the Red Army peasants could not be convinced to give up their grain and citizens would not fully accept communism. The New Economic Policy saved the economy from completeley collapsing and it applied less strict policies compared to the previously strict communist system. While the state still maintained control of things like foreign trade and banking, retail and agriculture was opened up for private ownership. Also, currency was reintroduced.
  • Soviet Union Officially Estalished

    Soviet Union Officially Estalished
    After a period of civil war between the political parties, the Bolshevik party finally won control of Russia and established a formal government. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is officially established in late december and a new period of Russian history began. Vladimir Lenin was made the dictator of this new government and he acheives his goals. However, the ideas of Lenins Socialist country are starting to fade out as he enters the last few years of his life.
  • Lenin Writes Political Testament

    Lenin Writes Political Testament
    Lenin was suffering from bad health in 1923 and despite seizures and semi paralysis he is able to dictate a political testament to his secretary. These articles show that he had feared his legacy and country becoming unstable when he died. These fears were correct as he believed that Stalin and Trotsky would not carry on his ideas of socialism beyond his death. He was concerned about the Bolshevik party seperating and the Soviet Union failing, which it eventually did.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    On January 21, 1924 Vladimir Lenin Dies of a terrible stroke. He had many illnesses at the time of his death and some of them may have been caused by the previous assassination attempt.In the years leading up to his death Lenin died in the city of Gorki Leninskiye and his body has been on display since that date. After he passed, Stalin took over Russia and moved the country in a different direction from what Lenin had wanted and his socialism dream became a thing of the past.