Stalin joins the Bolsheviks
Lenin appoints Stalin Commissar of Nationalities
Stalin is appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party
The Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler attemps to overthrow Bavarian government, then the Nazi's parade streets but HItler is captured & imprisoned. In prison he writes Mein Kampf. -
After Lenin's death, Stalin attacks Trotsky & he is exiled
This is a major point in Stalin's rise to power as he gets rid of his opposition and takes power over the Soviet Union. -
Nazi Party is refounded
First of Stalin's 5-Year-Plans
Elimination of Kulaks as a class; collectivization begins
General Election: HItler becomes leader of Nazi Party
Famine spreads across Russia
Causes millions of deaths -
Hitler Youth is founded
This has a huge effect on Hitler maintainiing power as he indoctrinates the minds of young people through Hitler use as well as through education, minimizing any questioning or opposition -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
German Reichstag is destroyed by fire
This was considered almost certainly doneby the Nazi's, but they blamed it on the communists -
Enabling Act is passed
HItler gained much more power; -
First concentration camp is opened in Germany
Night of the Long Knives
Nazi's carried out a series of political executions,showed alot of power for the Nazi's; crushes all opposition -
Hindenburg dies; Hitler becomes Fuhrer
Stalin gains full power over USSR
Purging of army-many are executed; Great Terror begins
The Great Terror and spreading of the NKVD plays a huge role in Stalin's maintaining of power; main reason for no opposition to him during this time -
NKVD purge Mongolia
Crystal Night: Beginning of Holocaust
Many jews are murdered and houses are burned down, holocaust begins -
Austrian Chancellor procliams union with Germany
Germany invades Czechoslovakia
Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact is signed
Outbreak of WW2
Hitler invades Poland
Hitlers maintaining power; Nazi's take over much of Europe
including Denmark, Norway, France and Holland -
Battle of Britain begins
Germany is not successful, moves on to USSR -
Hitler invades USSR pact is broken
Germany is defeated in Battle of Stalingrad
Stalin is victorious; turning point in WWII as leads to capture of Berlin and Hitler's suicide -
Battle of Normandy; Germans were defeated
Germans are not as succesfful in the war, HItler's power is falling -
Soviet troops begin attacks on Berlin
Hitler is at an all time low -
Adolf Hitler commits suicide - war ends
Soviet Union declares war on Japan
Soviet Union captured Warsaw
Soviet Union successfully explodes its first atomic bomb
(a test for atomic bomb) this was significant in maintaining power as it scared the United States and gave the signal that the USSR had alot more power than people thought -
Soviet Union and China sign 30-year-alliance treaty
Stalin dies
Warsaw Pact