Execution louis xvi 1793

Vive la France

By hsujuby
  • Louis XVI summons the Estates General

    Louis XVI summons the Estates General
    Louis XVI was compelled to call the Estates General because France's political and economic condition had become fairly dire. The clergy, nobles, and commoners made up this assembly, which had the authority to determine whether to impose additional taxes and carry out national reforms. It's important because it governed a person's rights, duties, and position, the estate to which they belonged was crucial.
  • National Assembly abolishes the nobility

    National Assembly abolishes the nobility
    Hereditary nobility is declared to be permanently abolished by the National Assembly. As a result, no one shall accept or be given the titles of Prince, Duke, Count, Marquis, Viscount, Vidame, Baron, Knight, Lord, Squire, Noble, or any other titles of a like nature.They took sovereign powers in respect of taxation and decided to frame a constitution restricting the powers of the king.
  • Declaration of the Rights of man

    Declaration of the Rights of man
    A key document of the French Revolution, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was adopted by France's National Constituent Assembly in August 1789 and provided civil rights to some commoners while excluding a sizeable portion of the French populace. It's important because it provided protection for numerous individual rights: liberty, property, freedom of speech and the press, freedom of religion and equal treatment before the law.
  • The Wives’ March; Louis “kidnapped” back to Paris

    The Wives’ March; Louis “kidnapped” back to Paris
    There was a legend that during those times of hunger, the king and queen possessed a supply of wheat. With this information, a large group of Parisian ladies marched to Versailles and ravaged the queen's residence.
  • Pope Pius VI condemns the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Pope Pius VI condemns the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    The French Catholic Church was immediately subordinated to the French government as a result of a statute issued on July 12, 1790, during the French Revolution known as the Civil Constitution of the Clergy.Pope Pius VI published an encyclical in April 1791 that denounced the Civil Constitution and threatened to suspend all clergy who had taken the oath. In the new society, the Civil Constitution became a key source of conflict and upheaval.
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
    The French army was disorganized, and many of the noble commanders had left the country. Charles William Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick, led the united Austrian and Prussian armies that swiftly crossed the border and started marching toward Paris. This started Following Austria's refusal to withdraw its troops from the French border and to retract its alleged threat to use force. I believe it's important because they believed that the new government could be easily defeated by foreign power.
  • Louis XVI executed

    Louis XVI executed
    On January 21, 1793, he was put on trial for treason and killed by the guillotine. Nine months later, his wife Mary Antoinette was also murdered in the same manner. It's a essential event since After visiting with his family, the former Louis XVI was executed in front of more than 100,000 spectators. His death sent outrage and shockwaves across the globe, especially in Britain, which within a week went to war with France.
  • France declares war on Britain and Netherlands

    France declares war on Britain and Netherlands
    Following Louis XVI's death, Britain removed the French envoy, and on 1 February, France retaliated by declaring war on both Great Britain and the Dutch Republic.The question of whether the upper Ohio River valley belonged to the French Empire, which would have barred Virginians and Pennsylvanians from trading with and settling there, or the British Empire gave rise to the French and Indian War.
  • Marie Antoinette executed

    Marie Antoinette executed
    The Revolutionary Tribunal found Marie Antoinette guilty of high treason two days after the trial began, and she was put to death at the Place de la Révolution by the guillotine two days later.Later, a Parisian mob took possession of Lamballe when she refused to swear an oath against the monarchy. They hacked off her head and displayed it outside Marie-windows Antoinette's on a pole.
    I believe it's important since the Revolutionary Tribunal found her guilty of crimes against the state
  • Robespierre guillotined

    Robespierre guillotined
    Robespierre promoted the death of more than 17,000 opponents of the Revolution, primarily by guillotine, as the chair of the Committee of Public Safety beginning in 1793. Robespierre and 21 of his supporters were hanged in front of a jubilant crowd in the Place de la Revolution in Paris the day following his capture.
    I believe it's important since it ends the reign of terror