School Decides on Vision for Tech Integration at Knolls
The school meets to decide on how to best integrate the new technology provided by the district. The teams decide on PBL. -
Administrator Research
The administrator, along with the Leadership Team will research current best practices regarding PBL/Student inquiry and technology integration through February 28, 2017, in order to present to the rest of the staff throughout March. -
Flexible Seating/technology Implementation
Begin to set up school wide expectations, learning labs, restructuring classrooms for teams, make extra rooms available for cross-grade level learning labs, explore PBL/Student inquiry curriculum, make sure the bandwidth is able to support program, train teachers on G Suite. This will continue throughout the spring into the summer to set up next year. -
PBL/Technology Training at CUE Conference
The teachers will attend a one day Professional Development provided by the district on PBL/Technology on latest strategies and software/apps. The teachers will take a variety of sessions and share at the next staff meeting. -
Grade Levels Collaborate on Next Year's Projects
The teachers will decide the projects based on grade level appropriate, theme while providing students choice, and significant happenings in the global world i.e. holidays, seasons, culture celebrations, through June 9. 2017-2018 School Wide Focus – MY PLACE IN THE CHANGING WORLD THEMES:
Who Am I? (Self, Family Tree, Immigration)
Traditions (Family and World)
Making a Difference (Service at Knolls and in Simi Valley) Grade Level
Primary (K-2)
Intermediate (3-4)
Upper (5-6) -
Buck Institute Professional Development
The lead teachers will attend a one-week professional development at the Buck Institute and will share with the rest of the staff when they return. -
Decide on School-Wide Attractions and Events
The staff will decide on the events each grade level will present based on the student inquiry projects created by the students throughout the year in each grade level. Each grade level will participate in their part of the overall event day based on the theme chosen. This is a major community event to show the stakeholders the overarching aspects of PBL that the students have been learning throughout the year. -
Begin Implementation of 2017-2018 PBL Themes in the Classrooms
Using the information gathered and collaboration the teachers will implement the first year of PBL -
Implement 2017-2018 PBL Themes in All Classrooms
The teachers will implement the Theme of Me and the Changing World in their classrooms focusing on age level appropriate PBL projects. The teachers will focus on student questioning, student choice and providing hyperdocs for student guidance through the project. The program will be revised and updated throughout the year culminating in the school wide event in May -
Implement 2018-2019 PBL Themes in All Classrooms
Using the information gathered and collaboration the teachers will implement the second year of PBL. 2018 - 2019 School wide Focus: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE THEMES
Nature (Insects, Animals, Trees)
Nutrition (Label Reading, Vitamins and minerals in foods, Thanksgiving Feast)
Healthy Living (Heart Health, Stress Relief, Taking Care of Our Bodies, Exploring Health)
Physical Fitness (Exercise, How the Body Moves)
Making a Difference (Service at Knolls and in Simi Valley) -
Implement 2019-2020 PBL Themes in All Classrooms
Using the information gathered and collaboration the teachers will implement the third year of PBL 2019-2020 School wide Focus: WORLD LEADERS THEMES
Leaders (Local, National, and World)
Making a Difference (Service at Knolls and in Simi Valley)