First Month
Child's heart can beat. Nesecary for brain and spinal cord to form. Internal Organs and Circulatory System are created. Size of a pinhead. -
Period: to
VirtualSC Fetal Development
Second Month
6 Milometers, face begins to form, and bones begin forming. -
Third Month
1 Inch, Nose and Mouth and eyelids form, all organs formed but not mature, fingers and toes almost done, and 20 baby teeth begin to form. -
Fourth Month
3 Inches, can swallow and suck on thumb, and facial features are noticeable. -
Fifth Month
6 and a half inches, weighs 4-5 inches,hair eyelashes and eyebrows appear, and organs mature and it will be more active -
Sixth Month
8-10 inches, fetus appears worn down, and it can breath -
Seventh Month
10-12 inches, 25-31 cm wide, and then it will be active then quiet in a repeating pattern -
Eighth Month
around 14-16 inches, gains weight quickly, and if a loud noise happens it will move around rapidly. -
Ninth Month
Is 17-18 inches, acquires more weight, skin smooth-ens, movement lowers because less room to move in, and gets antibodies to stop diseases from moms blood.