Jan 1, 1449
Birth of Lorenzo de’ Medici
when Lorenzo de' Medici was bornborn -
Jan 1, 1449
Birth of Lorenzo de’ Medici
Lorenzo de' Medici's birthday -
Gutenberg prints the first Bible
Johann Gutenberg holds the distinction of being the inventor of the movable-type printing press. In 1455, Gutenberg produced what is considered to be the first book ever printed. It was a Latin language Bible, printed in Mainz, Germany. -
Period: 1501 to 1504
Michelangelo completes the sculpture David
a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture created in marble between 1501 and 1504 by artist Michelangelo. -
Period: 1503 to 1506
Leonardo da Vinci completes his painting the Mona Lisa
The painting is thought by many to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, and is in oil on a white Lombardy poplar panel. -
Nicholas Copernicus publishes On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres
placed the sun at the center of the universe and argued that the Earth moved across the heavens as one of the planets. -
Thomas More publishes Utopia
In 1516 the statesman and scholar Thomas More published a work describing an ideal island state – he called it Utopia. The name derives from the Greek but has a double meaning 'eutopia' (good place) or 'outopia' (no place). -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther posts 95 theses
legend has it that the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. -
King Henry VIII begins Protestant Anglican church
The English Reformation was initially driven by the dynastic goals of Henry VIII, who, in his quest for a consort who would bear him a male heir, found it expedient to replace papal authority with the supremacy of the English crown. -
William Shakespeare is born
William Shakespeare's birthday -
Galileo invents a thermometer
Galileo Galilei invented a rudimentary water thermoscope, which for the first time, allowed temperature variations to be measured