Moved to Paris
Period: to
Lived in Paris and painted over 200 pieces of work
Van Gogh went often to a paint shop owned by Julien Tanguy. It was at this paint shop that he met many other painters and became friends with them. Tanguy was jovial and enthusiastic about art and was thus nicknamed by the artists as Pere ("father")Tanguy. Tanguy allowed paintings to be used as payments for his products. His shop was thus full of paintings, just like a museum. -
Letter to Wil
"Being calm is perhaps the best cure for all the diseases in the world" -
Became friends with artist Paul Gauguin
Painted Portrait of Pere Tanguy
Moved to Arles
Arles was a town in the South of France. It was a place that received lots of sunlight year round and a countryside where most people worked as farmers. -
Moved to Arles
Ill from drink and excessive smoking, Van Gogh moved to the countryside in Arles -
Painted Arles: View from the Wheatfields
There is a wheatfield and two farmers working in the field. The town of Arles is visible in the distance. Van Gogh painted this as he was surrounded by them during his time in Arles. Rich hues of yellow and oranges are painted in quick brushstrokes. As Van Gogh often painted outside, the speed of painting has to be quick. He felt warmth while painting this as he used a large amount of warm colours with only a strip of green to represent the town in the distance. -
Letter to Theo
"I have now spent a week working hard in the wheatfields, under the blazing sun. My wheatfield paintings are yellow—old gold—done quickly, quickly, quickly, and in a hurry just like the harvester who is silent under the blazing sun, intent only on the reaping" -
Period: to
Painted a series of sunflowers
Letter to Theo
" I'm painting large sunflowers in the hope of living in a studio of our own with Gauguin, I'd like to do a decoration for the studio. Nothing but large sunflowers." -
Painted Version 4 of Sunflowers
Comment by Van Gogh
"...the café is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad, or commit a crime -
Painted Cafe Terrace at Night
Letter to Wil
"I enormously enjoy painting on the spot at night. In the past they used to draw, and paint the picture from the drawing in the daytime. But I find that it suits me to paint the thing straightaway. I like painting a night without using black." -
Painted Bedroom in Arles Version 3
Letter to Theo
" I have not included any shade or shadow; I have only applied simple plain colours, so that it looks simple. A room that allows me to rest and dream..." -
Painting exchange with Gauguin
Van Gogh deeply admired Gauguin. He pleaded with Gauguin to come to Arles to paint with him -
Gauguin agreed to live in Arles
Van Gogh was so excited about this that he bought two beds in preparation and completed paintings which he used to decorate their house. -
Gauguin arrived in Arles
Period: to
Painting together with Gauguin in Arles
Deterioration of friendship
Van Gogh wanted to be treated as Gauguin's equal but Gauguin was very arrogant. While travelling in Montpelier, Van Gogh became very frustrated and feared that Gauguin would abandon him. -
Quarelled with Gauguin
Fearing that Gauguin was going to leave him, Van Gogh had a mental breakdown and cut off his left ear. Gauguin left Arles shortly after. -
Taken to hospital
Dr Felix Rey at the local hospital treated Van Gogh's injury. Rey was one of the few doctors who genuinely cared about Van Gogh's health and mental well-being, even allowing him to stay at his place when Van Gogh's was ruined by a flood. -
Comment by Theo
Theo visited Van Gogh in hospital and said about his visit: "It was terribly sad being there, because from time to time all his grief would well up inside and he would try to weep, but couldn’t. Had he just once found someone to whom he could pour his heart out, it might never have come to this." -
Painted Portrait of Dr Felix Rey
Recovered and was sent home.
Van Gogh pleaded with Gauguin to return many times but was ignored. -
Period: to
Spent time between hospital and home.
Van Gogh suffered from hallucinations and delusions in this period. -
Painted Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear
Painted Self Portait with Bandaged Ear and Pipe
Comment by Dr Rey
"When I saw that he outlined my head entirely in green (he had only two main colors, red and green), that he painted my hair and my mustache--I really did not have red hair--in a blazing red on a biting green background, I was simply horrified ..." -
Sent back to hospital
The people of the town signed a petition to sent Van Gogh away. The police closed his house and Van Gogh was sent back to the hospital. -
Voluntarily moved to asylum in Saint-Remy
At the asylum, Van Gogh was allowed short, supervised walks in the garden. -
Painted Starry Starry Night
The paint shows the view after he can walk around the garden.The colours are cold,glowing and harmonious.the colours use were ultramine,cobalt blue virdian .The brushstroke were bold,rhytmic,lively and loose.the feeling can express freedom,loneliness and joyful. -
Painted Church at Auvers
Letter to Theo
"I think that we must not count on Dr. Gachet at all. First of all, he is sicker than I am, I think, or shall we say just as much, so that's that." -
Letter to Wil
"I have found a true friend in Dr. Gachet, something like another brother, so much do we resemble each other physically and also mentally." -
Painted portrait of Dr Gachet
Letter to Wil
" I see in Dr Gachet the heartbroken expression of our time, of the modern man." -
Painted Wheatfield with Crows
Letter to Theo
"The vast fields of wheat under stormy skies represent my sadness and extreme loneliness. My paintings will tell you what I cannot say in words." -