
  • Fort Sumter

  • Robert E. Lee was the leaderb of the Contanental army

  • Bull Run

  • Motior vs Merrack

    Motior vs Merrack
  • Battle of Drearys Bluff

  • seven day battle

    seven day battle
  • Seven day battle

    Seven day battle
  • Second Bull Run

    Second Bull Run
  • Battle of Antitumn

    Battle of Antitumn
  • The Battle of Sharpsburg

    The Battle of Sharpsburg
  • The Eminasapation Proclaimation

  • Thomas ( Stonewall ) Jackson Died

    Thomas ( Stonewall ) Jackson Died
    he was shot by his own men
  • Battle of Vicksburg

  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
  • Assination of Abe Lincolin

    it was a very sad moment