First Satlite Launched in to Space
Sputnik was the first satellite ever launched in to space. Sputnik was built by the Soviets during the Cold War. Seeing this the Americans tried to retaliate by quickly building a rocket but it exploed. -
Dog in Space
The first dog in space was from the Russians launched in Sputnik II, Her name was Laika or barker. Sadily There is no way to bring her back alive so they put her to sleep, the space craft falls to earth in April of the next year. -
First Human in Space
In 1961 the first rocket ship was launched sucsessfully into space by the Soviets. In the ship was Yuri Gagarin who circled the earth in 108 minutes and landed. -
John Glenn in the Frendship 7
John Glenn abords the Friendship 7 just to find out there is a problem with a ship. He watis a long time before he finally launches to space and goes in to orbit. -
Problems in the Ship
Durng orbit Glenn realizes that one of his jest stop working so he has to steere it manually. Mission control finds out that his heat sheild is loose and not tell him about it until he is about to land. They tell him to keep his retro-packs n hoping that the straps keep the sheild on. -
Close Calls
As he plummits to earth a retro pac catches fire and the strap hits his window. The heat sheild might give out soon. The burning strap silences his radio. When he hits the atmosphere and can see blue sky his radio starts working but he is out of rule so he has to use a parachute to land. He lands in the Atlantic ocean and brung back to land. -
Apollo 1
President Kennidty wants to get a man on the moon. He wants to beat the Soviet Union at the space race by doing a space walk. Apollo 1 was launched but sadily the Craft lit on fire at the launch pad as well at the Soviets spacecraft's parachute fails. -
Planning of Apollo
Nasa decided to go to the moon so they created the Apollo 11 crew. Neil Armstrong who during the Korean war flew 78 missions. Buzz Aldrin who also flew in the Korean war and is very good at solving math problems wich can come in handy if somthing goes wrong. Last but not least Michael Collins who flew in a boster to a record of 476 miles and a degree in science from the military -
Launching Apollo
A spy satlite spots a rocket awating to be launched and a couple days later the satlite went for another pass to see that the rocket had exploded so the Americans had a chance to get back. Collins will be the poilet of the mother ship which will deploy the module which will go to the moon. -
Landing on the Moon
The LM is 12 minutes from landing then a alarm comes on and it says program alarm. The computer was over loaded but mission control said to keep going to the moon. The LM misses the landing site and that meanes they have to land in a different place so he poliets the ship throught the terrian and finds a safe spot to land with only 20 seconds left of fuel he goes straight down at the risk of breaking a landing leg. When they land Aromstrong says 'The Eagle has landed'. -
Planting the Flag
As the two get off the LM they set up the TV camara for the whole world to see the surface of the moon. As he thakes his first step on the moon Armstrong says 'Thats one small step for man. one giant leap for man kind. After geting moon rocks and setting up expirments the two go back into the LM ready to go after being awake for 22 hours. -
Reaturning to Earth
As the LM spalashes on to the Pacfic ocean a carries comes to lift them out. On board president Nixion says that it was the greatest week in the history of the world as the marines play Star Spangled Banner. At mission control everybody celebretes even the 3 man crew but they are stuck in quarantine agian. -
Apollo 13
An oxygen tank explodes on Apollo 13. Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and John Swigert are the members of the space craft and all return safely. -
Space Transportation System
The Space Transportation system was to give people in space food because the Skylab costs to much to keep running so the STS supplied astronaughts in space. -
Landing on Mars
Viking 1 was an unmanned probe headed to Mars to take pictures, the mission was a success and NASA got great pictures of Mars. -
Sally Ride
Sally ride is a very smart person thay plays tennis, one daay when Billie Jean King saw her play she wanted her to be pro so when that happended sh truned it down to finish school. She earns a degree in English and Physics. When NASA starts looking for Astronauts she applies and gest in with six other women scientists. -
Challanger Takeoff
Sally is chosen to be one of the poliets abord the Challanger. At 7:33 am the shuttle shoots off into space and nothing goes wrong, Sally is not the first women to be in space. -
In Space
Their job is to relase satlites into space. They sping the satlite to keep from one side from getting burnt. The booster fires up and launches the stalite into a higer orbit. After five days they do the first satlite catch with a robotic arm catching it and releasing it. When they are all done they decide to come home. -
Challanger Deaths
The secondtime the Chlallanger was launched tragety strikes. It explodes in mid air. All crew members die and 12 people investagtes what happended includingNeil Armstrong and Sally Ride. -
Mae Jemison
As a little girl she said she always wanted to become a scientest which surprised her teacher because a lot of people didn't become scientests then. All the way throught collageshe worked to achieve her dream, one day she was accepted into the NASA program.