
Space Timeline

By gdart4
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    October 4- The Soviet Union launched the first satellite, into space, Sputnik 1.This was important because it launched The Race to Space.
  • First Human in Space

    First Human in Space
    April 12- Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.
    This was important because it help push us a step further into going to the moon!
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    May 5- Astronaut Alan Shepard became the first American in space.This was important because it help push us a step further into going to the moon!
  • First American in Orbit

    First American in Orbit
    February 20- astronaut John Glenn became the first American in orbit.
    This was important because we got to experience being a part of our solar system by going into orbit.
  • FirstFemale in Space

    FirstFemale in Space
    June 16- Valentina Nikolayeva Tereshkova became the first woman in space.
    This was important becuase it was huge step for females in the space program.
  • First man to walk in Space

    First man to walk in Space
    March 18- While tethered to his spacecraft, cosmonaut Alexi Leonov became the first man to walk in space.
    These men walking in space was very important because this was a huge push into going to the moon!
  • First American to walk in Space

    First American to walk in Space
    June 3- Astronaut Ed White became the first American to walk in space.
    These men walking in space was very important because this was a huge push into going to the moon!
  • Spacdcraft from Russia

    Spacdcraft from Russia
    February 3- The Russian spacecraft Luna became the first spacecraft to land on the moon.
    When this spacecrafts landed on the moon we were able to get a view of what we were up against to go to the moon.
  • Spacecraft from America

    Spacecraft from America
    June 2- Surveyor 1 became the first American spacecraft to land on the moon.
    When this spacecrafts landed on the moon we were able to get a view of what we were up against to go to the moon.
  • Zond 5

    Zond 5
    September 15- The soviet spacecraft Zond 5 was launched and later became the first spacecraft to orbit the moon and return to Earth.
    This was very important because this was one of the final steps before going to the moon.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    December 21- Apollo 8 was launched, and later her crewmembers became the first men to orbit the moon.
    This was very important because this was one of the final steps before going to the moon.
  • The Eagle has Landed

    The Eagle has Landed
    July 20- Neil Armstrong and “Buzz” Aldrin became the first men on the moon! They arrived on the Apollo 11.
    “One small step for man one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong.
    This was important because we were the first Country to land on the moon! Neil and “Buzz’ were the first humans (that we know of) to land on the moon
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    April 11- Apollo 13 was launched.
    This was another big step for the U.S.A.
  • Soviet launched Venera

    Soviet launched Venera
    December 15- The Soviet Venerea 7 became the first probe to land on Venus.
    This was important because we were able to see images from Venus now.
  • Moon Rover

    Moon Rover
    July 30- The moon rover was driven on the moon for the first time.
    This was amazing because we got to see live footage of the moon.
  • Last walk on the Moon

    Last walk on the Moon
    December 11- Eugene Cernan and Harrison “Jack” Schmitt became the last men to walk on the moon.
    This was important because no one has walked on the moon since 1972
  • First Space Station

    First Space Station
    May 14- The U.S. launched its first space station, Skylab.
    This was important because we were able to have a working space station in Space!
  • Voyager reaches Saturn

    Voyager reaches Saturn
    August 26- Voyager 2 reached Saturn and began transmitting images.
    This was important because now we have live images from Saturn.
  • Sally Ride

    Sally Ride
    June 19- Sally Ride became the first American woman in space on Challengers second mission.
    This was important because it was a huge step in space for women.
  • Bruce McCandless

    Bruce McCandless
    February 3- Astronaut Bruce McCandless became the first man to take an untethered space walk.
    This was important because up until then now one has been untethered while walking in space.
  • Voyager from Uranus

    Voyager from Uranus
    January 24- Voyager 2 began transmitting images from Uranus.
    This was important because we were able to get live images from Uranus.
  • Voyager 2 from Neptune

    Voyager 2 from Neptune
    August- Voyager 2 began transmitting images from Neptune.
    This was important because we were able to see live images from Neptune.
  • Hubble space telescope

    Hubble space telescope
    August 24- The Space Shuttle Discovery deployed the Hubble space telescope.
    With the Hubble space telescope we were able to see deeper into space then we thought we ever would.
  • Mae Jemison

    Mae Jemison
    September 12- Mae Jemison became the first African-American woman in space.
    This was a huge step in space for women and African-Americans.
  • Elieen Collins

    Elieen Collins
    February 2- Eileen Collins became the first female Shuttle pilot.
    With this it made impact in women rights even in space!
  • EROS

    February 14- The U.S. Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft began transmitting images of the asteroid EROS.
    With this we got to see an asteroid up close.
  • EROS landing

    EROS landing
    February 12- NEAR landed on the surface of EROS.
    April 28- American Dennis Tito became the first tourist in space after paying Russian space program $20,000,000.
    This was important because we landed on the surface of an asteroid
  • NASA discoveries

    NASA discoveries
    September 21- NASA’s Galileo mission ended a 14-year exploration of the solar systems largest planet and its moons with the spacecraft crashing by design into Jupiter at 108,000 miles per hour.
    This was an end to a great run for most of our discoveries in space.
  • President Bush

    President Bush
    January 14- President Bush proposed a new space program that would send humans back to the moon by 2015 and establish a base to Mars and beyond.
    This made the space program have something to look forward to thanks to all their great work!
  • NASA spacecraft

    NASA spacecraft
    January 15- NASA spacecraft Stardust returned safely to Earth in a desert near Salt Lake City with the first dust sample ever collected from a comet.
    This was important because we got to see the dust from a comet for the first time.
  • Mars

    August 4- NASA launched its Phoenix Mars Lander.
    This gave us hope that we would get to live images of Mars.
  • NASA

    October 11- President Barack Obama signed legislation focusing NASA’s efforts on exploring Mars and the asteroids.
    This gave more hope and money to the program for looking at Mars and asteriods.