

  • 1066 BCE

    Viking Civilization Ends

    At the Battle of Stamford Bridge, the Norwegian king Haraldr harðráði was killed as he attempted to reclaim a part of England. This was a big deal because he was a very important viking and his lost was a tragedy.,d.dGo
  • 1015 BCE

    Vikings abandon the Vinland settlement on the coast of North America

    Vikings abandon the Vinland settlement on the coast of North America.
    This was important because this helped the vikings expand their land to coastal areas tremendously.
  • 1014 BCE

    Battle of Clontarf

    Battle of Clontarf was the last battle that invlolved the vikings. The vikings were fighting for the Irish army and the battle was very violent. A lot of men and women were killed.
  • 991 BCE

    Vikings get paid to leave land

    The vikings received a very large pay off and promised to never bother Archbishop or Olaf again.
    This added on onto their huge amount of goods and benefited them a lot.
  • 988 BCE

    Battle of Wachet

    Battle of Wachet
    Vikings attacked and burned the village of Wachet. A English leader called for help from the surrounding population but no one heard him. This was a very bloody battle however, the vikings won.
    This was a huge victory and the vikings benefited from this.
  • 986 BCE

    Viking ships sail in Newfoundland waters

    Viking ships sail in Newfoundland waters
    Viking ships sail in Newfoundland waters and find America.
    They colonize America and expand their territories even more.
  • 914 BCE

    Frankish King trades some land.

    Frankish King trades some land.
    West Frankish king gives Rouen and surrounding territory a viking chief exchange for latter's denying passage to the Seine to other raiders. This region of northern France is now known as Normady.
    This land is now Normandy so that's important.
  • 900 BCE

    Vikings raid the Mediterranean coast

    Vikings raid the Mediterranean coast
    Vikings raid the Mediterranean coast in order to expand.
    The Mediterranan coast is pretty big so this helped them expand a lot and helped them colonize even more coastal areas.
  • 862 BCE

    King Charles the Bald began to protect Frankia.

    King Charles the Bald began to protect Frankia.
    Frankia was starting to get raided by the vikings very frequently so, King Charles the Bald began defending West Frankia more. He started fortifying towns, abbeys, rivers, and coastal areas. Vikings then just switched over to England instead.
  • 851 BCE

    A wave of viking attacks rise.

    A wave of viking attacks rise.
    A wave of viking attacks rose in England and viking armies began conquering East Anglia and Northumberland.
  • 840 BCE

    Vikings begin to attack Frankia

    Vikings begin to attack Frankia
    The vikings started taking advantage of conflicts in Europe and began to expand their activity to more land. Louis the Pious's son supported the vikings but, soon the vikings started to realize Loather (Louis' son) would pay the vikings in riches if they didn't attack Frankia so, they did the opposite and started attacking Frankia.
  • 799 BCE

    The first recorded viking raid.

    The first recorded viking raid.
    The first recorded raid was in the island monastries of Skye and Iona. This was the very start of the vikings and was a holy place of Britain. They slaughtered monks and and took so many riches.
  • 794 BCE

    Viking Civilization Starts

    Viking Civilization Starts
    Vikings were actually Scandinavian and started in 794 AD. This was their first raid which was in Lindisfarne Monastery.
    They had no respect for religious temples and such because they didn't believe in religion.
  • 701 BCE

    Vikings start looking for riches instead of land

    Vikings start looking for riches instead of land
    The Scandinavians began to look for riches. Europe was becoming richer and started making more trading markets.
    Scandinavians started learning about sailing technology and started focusing on their conflicts with European kingdoms.
  • 121 BCE


    Vikings discover Svalbard and named it this as they found it.
    This was a huge area of land and helped them expand even more! This was a huge deal to the vikings because this helped them expand so much.