Viking Timeline of 10 events

  • Period: 700 to 1100

    Timespan of the Viking Age

  • 787

    Vikings attack England.

    When Vikings started to attack England and many other Countries in Europe.
  • 867

    Viking raiders settle in Northern England

  • 878

    Alfred the Great makes treaty with Danish Vikings

    Alfred the Great (King of Wessex) makes a treaty with the Danish Vikings; they are given control of an area East of Britain in which to settle and trade (the Danelaw).
  • 911

    The Treaty with the Vikings

    The King of France make a treaty with the invading Vikings and they are given a tract of land which later became known as Normandy.
  • 930

    First Viking parliament is held in Iceland.

  • 985

    Erik the Red is banished

    Erik the Red is banished from Iceland for 3 years for murder. He sails and discovered Greenland
  • 991

    King of England pays the Vikings to stop their invasions.

    The English King paid the Danish Vikings the first of many tax payments known as Danegeld (Danes' Gold).
  • 1001

    Leif Ericson reaches Labrador in North America and makes small settlement

    Leif Ericson, son of Erik the Red sails east from Greenland to Labrador in North America and makes a small settlement. The settlement was abandoned by 1015
  • 1015

    Danish Chief Cnut invades England

    Danish Chief invaded England and later became King of England.
  • 1066

    King Edward Dies and Throne is taken

    King Edward dies and the Throne is taken by Harold Godwinson. Another contender for the thrown; William of Normandy defeats King Harold at the battle of Hastings and becomes King of England. He became known as Williams the Conqueror