VII History Exam Timeline

  • 221 BCE

    Qin Shihuangdi unifies China

  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    Han Dynasty

  • Period: 31 BCE to 180

    The Pax Romana

  • 1 CE

    Birth of Jesus- Christianity begins soon

  • 70

    First Jewish Revolt

  • 132

    Second Jewish Revolt

  • Period: 220 to 589

    Period of Disunion

  • 325

    Constantine and the Council of Nicea wrote the Nicene Creed

  • 395

    Paganism was outlawed in the Roman Empire

  • 476

    Fall of Rome and the Western Roman Empire

  • Period: 589 to 618

    The Sui Dynasty

  • Period: 618 to 907

    The Tang Dynasty

  • 622

    Hijra to Medina; Islam Begins

  • 750

    Beginning of the Abbasid Dynasty in the Muslim World

  • Period: 750 to 1258

    The Golden Age of Islam; Ends with the fall of Baghdad to Mongols

  • 751

    The Battle of Talas

  • 755

    The Rebellion of An Lushan

  • 845

    The Persecution of Buddhists in Tang China

  • Period: 970 to 1127

    The Song Dynasty (northern song)

  • 1000

    Al biruni brought to India by Mahmud of Ghazni/Tale of Genji

  • 1127

    The start of the Southern Song

  • 1235

    Sundiata creates Mali Empire

  • 1236

    Delhi Sultanate in India

  • 1279

    Kubilai Khan and Mongols complete conquest of China Yuan Dynasty

  • 1368

    Start of the Ming Dynasty; Mongols forced out of China

  • 1368

    Ibn Battuta travels around the Muslim World, 14th century

  • Period: 1405 to 1433

    Voyages of Zheng He from China to Africa

  • 1453

    Muslim Turks conquer Constantinople/ Renamed Istanbul

  • 1492

    Coloumbus sails to Central America and tekks the world about it