Vietnam War

  • Communist Manifesto Published.

    Communist Manifesto Published.
    The manifesto of the Communist party is published by a group in France. This group included german theorist named Karl Marx, along with Fredrick Engels, has been credited with the creation of this manifesto.
  • Napleon Invades

    Napleon Invades
    Napleon orders the French Navy to invade Viet Nam. The Vietnamese are forced to capitulate and signed treaties forfeiting control of Southern Viet Nam to the French. Fastforward 20 years, France takes North Viet Nam. In 1883, Viet Nam offically becomes a French Colony, comonly known as Indochina.
  • A future pawn of Communism is born!

    A future pawn of Communism is born!
    Ho Chi Minh was brought up with the nationalist view of his father. He became a sailor, providing him with a vision of the stark reality that was Imperialist France. Eventually, He decided to take refuge in the mother country, France. It was in France were he became mistified by the wonders of the revolutionary ideology of communism. He joined the Communtist party of France much like other young intellectuals of the time. He returned with the goals of impressing communism in his motherland.
  • The Creation of the Viet Minh

    The Creation of the Viet Minh
    With the German invasion of France, Japan took the oppertunity to expand to the area previously known as Indochina. With the instability that come with a change in power, Ho Chi Minh and friends decided to forge the Nationalist Communist insurgents group the Viet Minh. The group was more militant that political, carrying out gurreilla assults on japanese forces. Reciving assistance from China the Viet Minh gained control of the majority of Northern Viet Nam.
  • Dien Bien Phu

    Dien Bien Phu
    This battle was quintessential the story of an over confident General. In this story the General was named Navarre, the commander of the French force is Viet Nam. The General belived he was fighting hyper-active soilders, with this mentality he entrenched his forces in the town of Dien Bien Phu. The Viet Minh General Vo Nguyen Giap recognized this and used a pesudo choke-hold tatic and slowly pushed into the city using a complex trench system. Slowly taking city.
  • The Viet Cong

    The Viet Cong
    The Viet Cong was a militant and political group. The group was mostly formed of Viet Minh members that had regrouped in North Viet Nam. It was constructed of regular standing armyforces, along with smaller guerrilla units.
  • The Geneva Accords

    The Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords were a set of stipulations put forth at the Geneva Convention. These accords laid down the foundation for the soverngity of the Indochina region. The accord distintified a North and South Viet Nam. These accord also called for the withdrawl of the French and Viet Minh forces, to the South and North respectivly. The Viet Minh agreed to comply for Viet Nam was promised a free election to determine the future of the nation.
  • French Withdrawl

    France was forced to withdraw from Viet Nam under pressure from the french public, who were not very fond of all the dead soilders.
  • Agent Orange

    Agent Orange
    Agent Orange was a herbicide used during Operation Ranch Hand. Operation Ranch Hand was a bombing campagin designed to deforest the area in attempt to slow the gureilla forces in Vietnam. Agent Orange was used to destroy foilage as to remove gureillas cover, it was also used to kill Viet farm land, so the gureilla fighter had no soucre of food or shelter. During the war almost 20,000,000 US gallons of the chemical sprayed over Vietnam, Loas, and Cambodia.
  • The Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem

    Ngo Dinh Diem was the president of South Viet Nam. He was killed after the day the Southern Vietnamese government was overthorwn by the military. This lead to the perfect scene for America to step into control and establish a puppet government.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trial

    Ho Chi Minh Trial
    The Ho Chi Minh Trail is a trail as the name would suggest. It connects the once communist contries Loas, Camboida, and Vietnam. It played a curcial role in the war. The operation Commando Hunt, a massive bombing campagin. The PAVN AA solutions developed rapidly and by the end of Operation Commando Hunt there were 1,500 AA gun defending the area.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The gulf of Tonkin resolution was the key to America's re-integration into the Vietnams. On the second an forth of August 1964, there were two supposed attack by North Vietnam on American ships. The resoultion gave the President unheard of powers, that easily transended those in the constitution. It was later repealed due to Nixon's moderate abuse of power.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was an American bobmibng campagin designed to bombard North Vietnamese forces into submission. The campagin lasted around 3 years and was deisgned in 5 phases. The first stage constited of general bombing. It proved ineffective and led the Viets to the creation of a large and lethal AA network. Phase 2 was the destruction of infastructure. Phase 3's goal was to destroy oil and pertroleum stocks. Phase 4 was to detory power-generation factilities. Phase 5 was the cleanup
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive is said to be the turning point of the Vietnam War. On the night of January 31st, 1968 the North Viet army launched the Tet offensive.The northern Amry fought its way to the city of Siagon. They even attempted an attack on the US embassy. Aside from this there were large simultanious attacks on pivitol areas.
  • My Lai

    My Lai
    My Lai was a small Vietnamese city, occupied by the Viet Cong, Charlie Company, 11th Brigade , Americal Divison was charged with a search and destroy mission into the city. The were 300 civilians supposed ly killed in numerous ways. This caused even further division in the already divided American public.
  • Vietnamization

    When Nixon enter office he brought with him a wider view. He realized that the fate of Vietnam was negliable and that America's efforts would be better put into other tasks. Nixon opened up communications with China and the USSR. Nixon announced the withdrawl of 500000 troops in June of 1969. In acordance with this he supported the
  • Operation Linebaker

    Operation Linebaker
    The operation had three main objectives the destruction of Norht Vietnamese supply lines, to destroy the advanced Viet AA network, and finally to destroy shipping and storage targets. These goals were acheived with the use of large scale bombing operations. This operation saw the first occerence of precision-guided munitions, which was likely one of the keys to the sucessfulness of the assult.