Vietnam/Cold War

  • Communist Manifesto

    Inspiration for Soviets
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Lenin is father of. Nicholas II= Last czar. Lenin+Stalin+Trotsky. Russis becomes Soviet Union (USSR)
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    World War II

    Allows for division of Gemany/Berlin which sparks contempt b/w Soviet Union and West
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    COLD WAR PHASE 1, Centered on Europe

  • 'Containment'

    George Kennan long telegram to Truman
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Winston Churchill
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    Greek Civil War

    Trigger for Truman Doctrine
  • Truman DOctrine

    containment, triggered by Greek Civil War
  • Marshall Plan (George Marshall)

    Proposed at Harvard. Economic Aid for Europe, very successful. Russia refuses aid
  • America's First Test- Berlin Blockade/Airlift

    mobilization of airforce by US
  • Chinese Communists (Mao Zedong) topple Nationalists

  • NATO formed

    NATO vs USSR; Capitalism/Democracy vs Communism
    America's first formal alliance in 170 years
  • Soviets get Atomic Bomb

  • Korean War Begins

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    COLD WAR PHASE 2, Goes Global

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    Korean War

    Stalin invades S. Korea with N. Korean armyy, real or fake?
    Ike ends war when he replaces Truman.
  • Ike Replaces Truman

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    Domino Theory

    Ike, JFK, LBJ
  • Geneva Conference

    Splits Vietnam into N. and S.
  • French defeat at Dien Vien Phu

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    Third Cold War Test: Indochina

    Truman, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, ending with Ford
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    Vietnam War

    IKE, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford
  • Sputnik

    Wake up call, space race, worried that Soviets were ahead
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    Closest we've ever been to Nuclear War; DEFCON 2
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  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    US "Blank Check", turning point in war. Covert amphibious raids, N. Vietnam shoots US destroyers
  • The Hammer Drops

    troops + bombs into N. Vietnam
    Moves to the "dark" 60s
  • First Teach-in

    University of Michingan
    To teach about "immoral war', spread movement and made people believe the anti-war mvmt could make a change
  • March Against Vietnam War

    Paul POtter, SDS "This Incredible War"
  • Largest Teach-in

    Universitty of California @ Berkeley, what are we doing in 'nam? Jerry Rubin, SDS
  • SNCC "Statement on Vietnam"

  • Year of Popularity and support

    LBJ high resolve
  • MLK "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" Speech

    Civil rights to anti-war
  • Birth of "The MOBE"

    Spring Mobilization to End the war in Vietnam
    James Bevel
  • Tet Offensive

    Proved to US citizens that we wouldn't be winning anytime soon, prowar rhetoric was lies
  • My Lai Massacre

  • MLK assassinated

  • Bobby Kennedy Assassinated

  • Democratic Convention Riot

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    Draft Lottery

  • Peace Treaty

  • Fall of Saigon

    End of Vietnam war