Vietnam and Cold war Timeline

  • Cold War: Molotov Plan

  • Cold War: Truman Doctrine

  • Cold War: Czechoslovakian Coup

  • Cold War: Berlin Blockade

  • Cold War: NATO

  • Cold War: First Soviet Nuclear Test

  • Cold War: Chinese Revolution

  • Cold War: McCarran Act

  • Period: to

    Cold War: McCarthyism

  • Period: to

    Cold War: Peaceful Coexistance

  • Cold War: Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship

  • Cold War: NSC 68

  • Period: to

    Cold War: Start/Armistice of Korean War

  • Cold War:Treaty of San Francisco

  • Vietnam: Formation of Green Berets

  • Cold War: Eisenhower's New Look

  • Cold War: Death of Stalin

  • Cold War: Geneva Accords

  • Period: to

    Cold War: Start/End of Cuban Revolution

  • Cold War: Khruschev Comes to Power

  • Period: to

    Cold War: Taiwan Straight Crisis/Formosa Resolution

  • Vietnam: Eisenhower Theory Domino Speech

  • Cold War: Eisenhower Roll Back Campaign (NSC 174)

  • Cold War: Formation of SEATO

  • Cold War: Bandung Conference

  • Cold War: Warsaw Pact

  • Cold War: Geneva Summit

  • Cold War: Khruschev's Destalinization Speech

  • Cold War: Hungarian Revolution

  • Cold War: Suez Crisis

  • Cold War: Russians Complete Test ICBM

  • Cold War: Launch of Sputnik

  • Cold War: Formation of NASA

  • Vietnam: First US Soldiers Killed in Vietnam

  • Cold war: Khruschev and Eisenhower Camp David Talks

  • Cold War: U2 Incident with Gary Powers

  • Cold War: Kennedy Takes Office

  • Cold War: Bay of Pigs

  • Period: to

    Cold War: Soviet and China Split

  • Period: to

    Vietnam: Operation Ranch Hand

  • Cold War: Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Period: to

    Vietnam: Buddhist Crisis

  • Vietnam: Assasination of Diem

  • Cold War: Assassination of Kennedy

  • Vietnam: Gulf of Tonkin incident

  • Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh Replaced

  • Cold War: Inauguration of Johnson

  • Vietnam: Operation Flaming Dart

  • Vietnam: Beginning of Operation Rolling Thunder

  • Vietnam: Norman Morrison self-immolation incident

  • Vietnam: Battle of La Drang Valley

  • Period: to

    Vietnam: Fulbright Hearings

  • Vietnam Protests 1967

  • Vietnam: Election of Thieu

  • Vietnam: Tet Offensive

  • Vietnam: My Lai Massacre

  • Vietnam: Formation of Kissinger Paris Peace Negotiations

  • Period: to

    Vietnam: Vietnamization

  • Period: to

    Cold War: Detente

  • Cold War: Inauguration of Nixon

  • Vietnam: Battle of Hamburger Hill

  • Vietnam: Draft Lottery starts

  • Vietnam: Kent State Massacre

  • Vietnam: Pentagon Papers Released

  • Cold War: Nixon visits China

  • Vietnam: Operation Linebacker

  • Cold War: SALT I

  • Vietnam: Fall of Saigon