Victoria's Cell Theory Timeline

  • Jansen's First Microcope

    Jansen's First Microcope
    Jansen created the first microscope, that led to the rejection of spontaneous generation because it allowed you to see cells. Jansen's invention led to the discovery of cells in the cell theory.
  • Jan Baptist van Helmont

    Jan Baptist van Helmont
    The study of plants led him to prove that plants grew by drinking water and not by eating soil which led him to the rejection of spontaneous generation because his experiments showed that there is a process to it and it just does not happen.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Hooke used a microscope to look at a thin slice of cork and found small spaces that he called cells. This led to the rejection of spontaneous generation becuase scientists looked at cells differently.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    Leeuwenhoek built microscopes in his spare time and found one-celled organisms or "animolecules", he also was the first to study bacteria. This led to the rejection of sponataneous generation because this showed scientists types of organisms in environments.
  • Lorenz Oken

    Lorenz Oken
    Oken discovered all living things are made of cells and from cells. he was for spontaneous generation because he thought that where sea and land meet, one minute bladders of foam enclose and feeding, respiration, and digestion occur. This was the Sea Slime theory.
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown
    Brown discovered that plant cells have a cell wall and a nucleus that helps with making the embryo. His discovery led to the rejection of sponateous generation because scientists studied more plant cells.
  • Matthias Schleidan

    Matthias Schleidan
    Schleidan concluded the idea that all plants are made of cells. This led to the rejection of spontaneous generation because plants being made of cells means they come from somewhere.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann
    Schwann concluded that all animals are made of cells. He rejected spontaneous generation because animals come from somewhere not from abiotic factors which dont have cells.
  • Albrecht von Roelliker

    Albrecht von Roelliker
    Roelliker discovered that sperm cells and egg cells are also cells. This led to the rejection of sponateous generation becuase these were realized to be cells for the cell theory.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    Virchow found that new cells are only formed from preexisting cells. This led to the rejection of spontaneous generation because abiotic factors don't contain cells.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Pasteur discovered soup only spoiled when exposed to air, not on its own. His discovery led to the rejection of spontaneous generation because bacteria didn't form in the soup but in the air.
  • Aristotle

    Arstotle discovered existing cells come from other cells and not from nowhere. This led to the rejection of spontaneous generation becuase cells do not come from nowhere they come from other cells based on other scientists research.