
  • 2.2: Genetic Limit

    Only the embryos in the mothers' bodies are eligible for this to prevent aging. The mad scientist's vaccination to the mother's stomach will affect the embryos' division control. The vaccination contains some kind of powerful chemical that the computer could control. The AI embryos will have the ability to control the amount of what they can divide. When they are born and will be held with invention and therapy. The side effect would be seen as artificial intelligence.Lackofempathic​andhumanity
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences: I'm totally ok sharing my experiences :)

    I believe that my parent’s divorce has contributed to my development in the preoccupied attachment. I was physically abused by my father but I didn't understand why he does that. I was devastated my parents were divorced because my parents did not inform me. Also, my mother had to handle with jobs, household and things all by herself so I barely see her making a relationship with the siblings and me. With the abandonment, I experience creating me to crave for intimacy.Worry if they abandon.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    This is the day when my parents were divorced. YES on April's fool day! It was major stress because it was not normal to have divorced parents from my surroundings. I used my friends and teammates as my support which is seen as social coping. I also used emotion-focused coping by playing sports and doing things to distract my emotions from grief. The coping was not effective because it can be seen as resilience. It gave me a long way to recover from my major stress event. Avoidance.
  • 7.2- Transition

    My transition would be from integrated to self-transcendent. I experienced this transition when I was a junior in high school. It was the peak when I felt so lost and isolated from everyone. I decided to do various forms of self disciplines such as reading self-love books, doing yoga, journaling and some of the mediation. It was the transition in stages of mysticism in step 1 and 2. It was the time when I realized that I can step outside​ of my perspective and understand my imperfections.
  • 2.1: Oxidative Damage

    At anytime people who want to prevent themselves from aging will be sent in the "Sandy's Igloo" with $$$. They will be provided massive antioxidant lotion protection from pollution, sunlight, and x-ray. in order to prevent the damaging chemical reactions; they will be not allowed to get out after the cleaning because they're capable of carrying the unpaired electron. They will not be aging but the years will go by without realizing. The issue will be disaster in the social clock and isolation,
  • 2.3: My current healthy lifestyle

    I said no to the first two and most important part of a healthy lifestyle was eating fruits and vegetables. I do not refrain from girl scout mint cookies which I should! I noticed that I'll need to increase my healthy nutrition intakes into. I do not work out but I often doing yoga which I feel it is my way to exercise with my mind and body. I'd like to start weightlifting because it is my way to release my stress. I never use sunscreen on the regular days which I should ​prevent skin cancer.
  • 4.3: Adult Attachment Style

    Preoccupied is an attachment type sounds most like me.I often feel that others are resistance to make a friendship with me. I am surely uncomfortable being close to someone that we barely knew. For instances, my bosses, professors, and adults that I could see them as good mentors but I avoided because I worry that they wouldn't value me as the textbook mentioned. The quiz resulted in​ attachment-related avoidance, which means I’m uncomfortable depending on others and opening up to others
  • 7.1 Fowler

    I believe that life is an illusion and we are the ones who create all the things. We are what we believe. If we believe in anger and hate; we will live out of it. If we believe in kind and love; we will live out of it as well. I do not have any religious practices but I believe in the energies that we create and they scatter. Connecting to my higher self is the main goal of my master story.
  • 7.1 Flower PART 2

    My stage would be conjunctive faith as if now. I believe that my stage will be leveled up to universalizing faith in a few years because I have a strong belief in the principle of love and inner- child. I live by this quote, “Who were you before the world told you.” Like the children, we knew what is love till to the traumas we experience; we built up the armors. Life is intended for us to put our armors down and live the life we want with passion.
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    4.1 Young Adult Role Transition
    I’ll be 22 and graduated. I’ll need to find a place to cohabit because it is not affordable for a single to live in one bedroom apartment in present days. This time period would be called emerging adulthood. It might be a​ difficult and best time of my life because THE REAL WORLD is going to be on my face. I’ll be trying different jobs, socializing with new people besides than my university’s students and different community.
  • 6.4- Individualistic

    Dennis mentioned that he found his love in the music. He enjoyed learning and playing music. He wants to be in the band. It is seen as the individualistic stage. He was able to consider his own developmental process as he noticed his desire in music grew. "A sense of individuality" (P. 253).
    I'll be 23 and I feel I'll find my individualistic after my graduation from Gallaudet. I'll have more time to do things that I haven't been doing that during my academic years.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    I think I'll be an adult when I'm 25 years in the time that I'll live in a place on my own, pay all the bills, start a family and take care of myself. It would be Normative Age-Graded influences under Social Clock because I believe it is the time to live on my own and start a family." After my graduation, those expectation is "The normal sequence of adult life experiences." (P.5). Also, culture can play a role in the expectation to marry, start a family and find a place after marriage​ in USA.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    RIASEC resulted in SAI. I think I'll be 30 years old when I begin my professional career. Social have the traits that I see in myself such as work with people, understanding and helpful. I surely see myself in Artistic field; I have the traits and desire to pursue my idealistic, expressive and innovating. I feel that the event coordinator/planner may be the best fit for me. Being a film-maker/Dancer is my dream. I don't see myself doing my career​ in fixed schedules and people.
  • 4.2- Older Adult Role Transition:

    'll be at40s, I’d see myself experiencing socioemotional selectivity theory. I’d prefer more meaningful relationships with coworkers, friends and myself because I’ve experienced as I grew. I’ll see that my circle of support system decreased as we aged. I’d not want to go back to the time where things were not meaningful. I noticed this because I’m experiencing social convoy: “to both shape and protect individuals, sharing with them life experiences, challenges, successes, and disappointments.”
  • 6.2 Super’s Stages

    I'll be 40-45 at this time. From my understanding with Table 7.1 on page 201 on Maintenance. I'll hold my achieved job as an event coordinator and update with innovative ideas such as changing my taste in planning from wedding to big events like big companies events, concerts or fashion show. I'll reevaluate with what I like the most with my career and follow it. I might find my career to be boring; I can shift into another career that is similar to my original career. such Director for a film
  • 2.4: Potential consequences of my lifestyle

    If I continue with my unhealthy eating habits; I'd develop plaques in my hear which can be led to cardiovascular disease. Also, women are prone to cardiovascular disease, Also, Alzheimer's disease. I can be at risk as obesity If I continue my high sugar and junk intake because my metabolism will be decreased as I age. Diabetes Type 2 if I continue my loyalty with girl scout mint cookies. I can improve my self-discipline in nutrition and exercise for the better self in the future.
  • 6.3- Generatively

    Dennis Galvan's Life history by Alex Forkin. She quoted what Dennis said to his children after his father always said that Dennis was dumb. "You weren't born dumb and smart neither." to remind them that nobody is perfect. Dennis encouraged the next generation to believe themselves. This is seen as an act to support the next generation. I'll be 50s I'll share my wisdom to my children and grandchildren. I have the sense to take care of the next generation because this generation​ took care of me.
  • 8.1: The end *It is the date of my sister and father's birthday -_-..*

    -Victoria Nola Tingler- She was born in beautiful northern Michigan on February 16, 1998, and her soul will always belong there. A proud aunt and will always be just aunt. Her bubbly personality will remain with her as she raised as a spirit. You will find her hula hooping if you see her spirit. She promised us that she will haunt around her loved ones. Look out! May her afterlife grant her the adrenaline rush in the ride to her next life.
  • 3.2: Problem Solving

    I'll be 60s at that time. I visualized that I'd be retired and live in the second home of my dream vacation place. I feel that my crystallized intelligence might decline because I'll decrease my simulation around the people which I do want to let it happen. I want to be connected with the community as I age. Fewer people; the less learning experience for me. However, I'll possess my knowledge in the budget, social and more human skills because I gained those skills through aging. ​
  • 3.1: Working Memory

    I'll be 71 that year is whenI expect my working memory to decline. According to the textbook, 70s-80s show small declines in primary memory. As we age, things that we hold in our memory will disappear over time. I would forget the location of my favorite coffee shop in DC in college days.The executive function is "regulating attention and determining what to do with information". (P.104)As we age,it declines in on the performance of doing tasks, receiving information and resisting the ​inference