Period: to
Create a resume
i will create a resume to apply for a part time job. -
Job Interview
After applying for many jobs, i will get a job interview and hopefully get the job -
Work experiences
by now i will have had work experiences to help me plan for what i want to post secondary -
Volenteer work complete
i will complete my volenteeer hours the year before i graduate so i can focus on my post secondary -
Highschool Graduation
i will complete highschool and move on to college -
Special Achievement
Get accepted to Niagara College for an occupational therapist -
Move out of parents house
i will move out now and rent an appartment in Niagara Falls for college -
Rent appartment
I will rent an appartment in the Niagara beside the campus so i dont have go into resident -
Buy first car
during college i will buy a car for transpertation -
Start of post secondary
this is the start of college, i will be starting my program on this day -
I will now relocate to London ON for job purposes -
Start of career
i will start my career in London ON, as a occupational therapist. -
Career advancment
i will get a raise to manage the area i will be in. -
Meeting a special person
finally meet someone and plan for marriage and family -
I will get married and plan for a family -
Family Change
By now i am married and now one child