
Victor Luis Caraballo - Giver Vocabulary

  • Recollection

    a memory; something remembered or recalled
    "The recollection of a certain event was quite different between me and my sisters. How they see it, it was strange. It was completely different from how I recollected my memories of the event."
    Synonyms: Memory, remembrance, impression, reminiscence
  • Profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge.
    "I was profound when I was thinking about my apology to one of my friends. Being deep in thought of thinking of an apology. It seemed very strange for me. It usually doesn't take me this long to think of such a simple apology to someone. All I needed to do is say a simple 'Sorry', But no.."
    Synonyms: heartfelt, intense, keen, great, extreme, acute, severe, sincere, earnest, deep, deep-seated, overpowering, overwhelming, fervent, ardent
  • Prestige

    Definition: status or influence; importance based on reputation
    "Everything seemed to be prestige enough to make my status Become more well known within the store. Almost enough to make me seem popular or fancy. Yes, Yes. This must be helpful enough to make me seem popular. It must be, I can't give up now! I must make my reputation better...!"
    Synonyms: status, standing, stature, reputation, repute, regard, fame, note, renown, honor, esteem, celebrity, importance, prominence, influence, eminence
  • Sheepish

    Definition: shy; bashful
    "I was too scared and nervous to go to the amusement park with my friends, I guess I was being a bit Sheepish I guess..Being shy and all. I wasn't used to being in an amusement park with this many people in one space or area. It was interesting. Amazing almost. It made me the slightest uncomfortable...."
    Synonyms: embarrassed, uncomfortable, self-conscious; shamefaced, ashamed, abashed, mortified, chastened, remorseful, contrite, apologetic, rueful, regretful, penitent
  • Serenely

    Definition: Peacefully and calmly
    "It was Serenely in the room. Everyone was calmly talking, having very, very interesting conversations about their weekend, and their summer. Amazing, Honestly. It was quite exciting."
    Synonyms: calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled
  • Avert

    Definition: Turn away
    "I averted my eyes so that I couldn't see the horrors in the room that I had entered, It was way horrible than I anticipated. Way worse than last time. I looked back at the scenery of the room and saw a very strange part of the room that seemed oddly clean. My friends arrived to see the mess. They all backed up, as I did long before. We all averted our eyes and closed the door. No more exploring rooms alone. For now, we are a group."
    Synonyms: turn aside, turn away
  • Indolence

    Definition: laziness
    "The Indolence of that person couldn't even benefit them. They were way too lazy. I may be similar to them, but I don't just loaf around on the couch, staying there 24/7 watching television. It's just not healthy. I at least try to exercise once and a while."
    Synonym: laziness, idleness, slothfulness, sloth, shiftlessness, inactivity, inaction, inertia, sluggishness, lifelessness, lethargy, languor, languidness, torpor, torpidity; rare otiosity; literary hebetude
  • Hasty

    Definition: hurried and rush
    "I hastily ran to my job, I was late. Way too late. I'd have to work overtime to do the same hours once I had gotten here."
    Synonym: quick, hurried, fast, swift, rapid, speedy, brisk; literary fleet
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: noticeable; easy to see
    "I was very Conspicuous within the crowd. Many people looked at me with strange looks on their faces.... They looked at me as if i was crazy, or if i was different. I was no different from them!"
    Synonyms: easily seen, clear, visible, noticeable, discernible, perceptible, detectable; obvious, manifest, evident, apparent, marked, pronounced, prominent, patent, crystal clear; striking, eye-catching, impactful, overt, blatant; distinct, recognizable, unmistakable
  • Unnerving

    Definition: Unsettling and upsetting
    "I tried to be confident in myself, but looking upon the horrors that might happen within the mansion, I lost all confidence. I tried to convince my friends to leave with me, never to come here again."
    Synonyms: demoralize, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, daunt, alarm, frighten, dismay, disconcert, discompose, perturb, upset, discomfit, take aback, unsettle, disquiet, agitate, shake, ruffle, throw off balance; informal rattle, faze, shake up, discombobulate
  • Requisitioned

    Definition: to demand or take
    "I requisitioned the snack booth, taking all the snacks for myself"
    Synonyms: commandeer, appropriate, take over, take possession of, occupy, seize, confiscate, expropriate
  • Self-Consciously

    Definition: uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    "Matthew gave a Self-Conscious grin to his friends, But they saw that he was kind of uncomfortable with the situation at hand. This was kind of a bad time to try and be happy.. I knew this, Because I was one of those friends he grinned at.. We all saw through the grin. He tried to stay calm, He tried. . ."
    Synonyms: embarrassed, uncomfortable, uneasy, nervous; unnatural, inhibited, gauche, awkward; modest, shy, diffident, bashful, retiring.
  • Torrent

    Definition: swift-flowing stream of something
    "The Torrent in the forest, with clear water was flowing all through the small stream. I went to the small stream, spotting a small amount of fish going along the stream. Beautiful. Beautiful indeed, But then more water went down the stream. Not what i expected until large amounts of water came, as if knocking me off my feet and dragging me away....!"
    Synonyms: flood, deluge, inundation, spate, cascade, cataract, rush, stream, current, flow, overflow
  • Wincing

    Definition: shrinking back involuntarily
    "I winced after seeing the gruesome scene before me. There lied my friend, Natsume. Poor natsume...I couldn't save you in time...I failed you. I failed to be your friend, But i will avenge you. I need to bring justice! I NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHO DID IT!"
    Synonyms: grimace, make a face, flinch, blanch, start
  • Fretful

    Definition: uneasy or distressed
    "I was Fretful. Everyone was. Why did this happen? Why did it have to be these three? It was hard to know what happened. But the only way to figure it out was by investigating. Oh...these poor, innocent people. All my friends...why...?"
    Synonyms: distressed, upset, miserable, unsettled, uneasy, ill at ease, uncomfortable, edgy, agitated, worked up, tense, stressed, restive, fidgety, antsy; querulous, irritable, cross, fractious, peevish, petulant, crabby, cranky,
  • Tentatively

    Definition: uncertainly and hesitantly
    "I tentatively looked around. Everyone was staring at me as if i was doing something wrong. But i was surely trying to do something right, so why are they looking at me like that? Why is this happening? I panicked a bit."
    Synonyms: conditionally, provisionally, temporarily
  • Obsolete

    Definition: no longer useful
    "'You will soon become Obsolete.' the monster in my dream spoke in an angry tone 'Obsolete, You are useless. Nobody will find you helpful.' I gulped, This was not what i expected to happen. Not at all. I tried to wake up, successfully waking up from such a horrible nightmare."
    Synonyms: Outdated, out of date, outmoded, old-fashioned, démodé, passé, out of fashion; no longer in use, disused, fallen into disuse, behind the times, superannuated, outworn, antiquated, Old
  • unwieldy

    Definition:difficult to carry or handle
    "I tried to carry the huge crate, but it was unwieldy. I wasn't strong enough to carry it. It could take only four or even five people to carry the crate at all!"
    Synonyms:cumbersome, unmanageable, unmaneuverable; awkward, clumsy, massive, heavy, hefty, ponderous, bulky, weighty
  • Admonition

    Definition: warning
    "Someone seemed to have been Admonitioned around the corner. Maybe that's why they were driving so slow."
    Synonyms: advice, appraisal, counsel, forewarning
  • Relinquished

    Definition: gave up or let go
    "I Relinquished. I couldn't go on, and keep fighting. There was only one option left open. To give up. To give up on this amazing adventure. It was fun while it had lasted. It surely was."
    Synonyms: renounce, give up/away, hand over, let go of