the Pocras and the Chancas who were conquered by the Inca Empire, led a revolution, to be defeated, forced its members to flee from the Inca revenge, settling in the valleys of the Mayo and Cumbaza rivers, eventually, the city of Lamas -
The city of Tarapoto, located in the San Martin region, was founded on August 20, 1782 by the Spanish bishop Baltazar Jaime Martínez de Compagnon y Bujanda. -
Development of the trade because it is very abundant in products such as coffee, cocoa, banana, papaya, sunflower oil, natural medicine products, among other products that are grown in the San Martin region. -
Now there is the National University of San Martin with its 17 professional careers, also with the César Vallejo University, the Alas Peruanas University, the Higher Public Institute of Tarapoto, the Higher Technological Institute of the Northeast of the Jungle, as well as numerous private occupational education centers . It has two most popular clubs in the city are Deportivo Cali and Unión Tarapoto.