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VHS - 9.1 French Revolution

By Kool290
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • A mob storms the Bastille

    A mob storms the Bastille
    On July 14, 1789, an angry mob stormed the Bastille. They were searching for gunpowder and arms to defend themselves with. They had heard rumors that foreign troops were coming to Paris so that they could massacre French citizens. I feel that this was one of the most important events of the French Revolution, because it is marked the beginning of change in France. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661331/View
  • Noblemen speak up

    Noblemen speak up
    During the night of August 4, 1789, many noblemen made speeches that declared their love of liberty. They joined members of the National Assembly to take away the privileges of the First and Second Estates. This made commoners equal to the nobles. This event is important to the French Revolution, because it showed the people taking down the class system which had separated the French people for so many years. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661335/View
  • Parisian woman riot

    Parisian woman riot
    In October of 1789, thousands of Parisian woman rioted because of the rising price of bread. The got knives, axes, and other weapons, and stormed Versailles. The women demanded that the National Assembly take action to provide bread, and that Louis and Marie Antoinette return to Paris. This event shows the people of Paris taking action to get their way, and wanting change in the ways of the people in power. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661332/View
  • The National Assembly reforms the Church

    The National Assembly reforms the Church
    The National Assembly had many of their reforms focused on the church. These reforms took the Church’s lands, and sold them to help pay off France’s huge debt. They also made Church officials and priests elected, and paid as state officials. This was very important because, before this point, the priest was a very powerful person, and the National Assembly took that power away from them in their reforms. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661335/View
  • Louis XIV tries to escape France

    Louis XIV tries to escape France
    Many of the king’s supporters had left France due to the increasing danger of the revolution. Many of the king’s advisors told him that he was in danger and he should leave France. While he was leaving France to go to the Austrian Netherlands, he was apprehended, and returned to Paris. This was an important part of the French Revolution, because it marked the beginning of the monarchy’s downfall. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661335/View
  • A limited monarchy is created

    A limited monarchy is created
    On September 3, 1791, the National Assembly finished a new constitution for France. This constitution was reluctantly approved by Louis, and created a limited monarchy. It took away much of the king’s authority, and created the legislative assembly. This was important because for the first time in France’s history, the king’s power was limited by the law. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661336/View
  • Louis XIV is executed

    Louis XIV is executed
    Louis XIV’s role had been reduced from a king to a common citizen and prisoner by the National Assembly. He was tried for treason and found guilty. He was then sentenced to death. On January 1, 1793 he was beached by the guillotine. This was a very important part of the French Revolution because it symbolized the French people getting rid of the old system of government, and bringing in a new one. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661337/View
  • Robespierre gains power

    Robespierre gains power
    Maximilian Robespierre gained control in the early months of 1793. He wanted to build a “republic of virtue” by removing France’s past. He changed the calendar to divide the year into 12 months of 30 days. He also executed thousands of people, and ruled France as a dictator. This is important because Robespierre was the creator of the reign of terror in France, which in a way, preserved the revolution https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661338/View
  • The constitution of 1795 is drafted

    The constitution of 1795 is drafted
    The constitution of 1795 placed the power in the hands of the upper middle class. It created a two house legislature and an executive body of five men. This group was known as the Directory. This event was important because it led to many years of order in France. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661339/View
  • Napoleon comes to power

    Napoleon comes to power
    The Directory had lost control over the political situation in France by 1999. Napoleon’s friends urged him to seize political power. In early November of 1799, he took action. A group of three consuls was created, and Napoleon took the title of first consul. Napoleon’s rise to power was important because it marked the end of the French Revolution, and the beginning of a new age. https://courses.vhslearning.org/d2l/le/content/454338/viewContent/3661342/View