valentine's timeline

By Ablake3
  • I was born

    i was born at 4pm on april 24 2006 ,i was born in a hospital in zimbabwe i was a very chubby baby .
  • comming to Australia

    I came to Australia when i was six months old ,we lived in Tasmania for a year then moved to Perth
  • starting pre-primary

    I started pre-primary at 5 i was very small and smart at the same time,i was sung a song by the other pre - primary students they made me feel less nervous
  • Turning six

    i turned six on april 24th 2012 ,i was a naughty girl so i missed every part except the cake , it was a chocolate cake with sprinkles and icing
  • happy birthday brother

    my brother turned eleven in 2013 January 1st 2013 ,he got to have BBQ party.we got to have lots of candy because Christmas had was very hot because of the heat and the BBQ was lit
  • writing award

    i was awarded a writing award in year two for my neat writing i wasn't surprised ,i am very careful with my work
  • Ipad for Christmas

    on the day after Christmas ( boxing day) i was surprised with an Ipad mini , it was the first electronic device i could keep i was very protective until i dropped it on the floor and it cracked but no-one ever knew
  • baby sister

    my sister destiny was born 17th January at 10 pm she was very sleepy that ment you can't see her beautiful eyes
  • EMPS

    i came to EMPS on the second week of term three i was really shy but i still made freinds
  • baby sister again

    my sister Sara was born at Fiona Stanley hospital , i didn't get to see her but i got to see photos ,since she was born i had to stay with grand-ma for a week
  • adventure world

    in December 16th i will go to adventure world, i haven't went but i will be going if i am good at home