• Period: 124 BCE to 83 BCE

    The Great War

    Height of the world war between creatures of the Gray Wastes and the Band of Valens, led by Charavia of Pirin. Many kingdoms are decimated, and around half of Valens' population dies during the war. To this day, Valens hasn't seen a calamity beyond this scale
  • 83 BCE

    End of the Great War

    End of the Great War
    The Band of Valens seals the Interplanar Waste Rift, ending the Great War
  • Period: 83 BCE to 1 CE

    The Eclipse Age

    Valens is left a lawless and dark place in the wake of the Great War. The few kingdoms still standing fight to fill a territorial vacuum. Much of Valens' ancient knowledge and history is lost
  • 75 BCE

    King Charavia Dies

    King Charavia Dies
    Charavia of Pirin is slain in the Second Pirish-Nixhelm War
  • Period: 26 BCE to 1 CE

    The Durian War

    Height of the war between the growing United Movement, led by Duria of Nixhelm, and the kingdoms of Valens. Some are annexed by diplomatic means. Other kingdoms, often referred to as Holdout Kingdoms, are annexed through conflict
  • 1 CE

    Durian United Republic Established

    Durian United Republic Established
    The last holdout kingdoms of western Katesh join Duria's United Movement, formally establishing the Durian United Republic
  • Period: 1 CE to 52

    The Renaissance Age

    The Durian United Republic rebuilds Valens in the wake of the Eclipse Age. The D.U.R. maintains control over the entirety of Valens, employment and productivity skyrocket, the major roads are built, and Valens settles into stability
  • 43

    Death of Queen Duria

    Death of Queen Duria
    Queen Duria dies under mysterious circumstances at age 87. Umedan Astura of the Rexist Church is voted in as her successor to varying levels of support
  • Period: 43 to 273

    The Rexist Age

    Age during which the Rexist Church has maintained control over the Durian United Republic
  • Period: 52 to 124

    The People's War

    Brought on by the growing oppression of non-human, non-elven creatures, the rebel-led People's Resistance wars against the Durian United Republic
  • 58

    Internment Zones Begin

    Internment Zones Begin
    In response to the People's War, the Rexist-Controlled DUR government grows paranoid of other races living among them. Priest-emperor Umedan Astura mandates all people who threaten the security of the Republic to be imprisoned within the walls of several repurposed cities around Katesh
  • 94

    Internment Expansion Order

    Internment Expansion Order
    Priest-emperor Umedan orders the expansion of eligibility for internment. Now, almost all non-human, non-elven people must be sent to the zones. The only exception are those who serve the United Army of the Republic, and members of some essential factions
  • 108

    People's War Stalemate

    People's War Stalemate
    The United Army of the Republic and People's Resistance is at a standstill, with neither able to stage successful amphibious assaults into enemy territory
  • Period: 124 to 273

    The Age of Eldath

    Following the stalemate of the People's War, Valens enters a relative age of peace as conflicts are relegated to occasional small-scale naval battles. Since 124 A.D, neither world power has engaged in a single battle, though the People's War hasn't officially ended to this day
  • 144

    Charavian Union Established

    Charavian Union Established
    People's Resistance-controlled territory in Onias is formally established as the Charavian Union
  • 176

    The Freedom Order

    The Freedom Order
    Umedan Astura orders that universities built under Duria's rule be shut down. Books documenting history before the Rexist Age are burned. For the majority of the DUR's human population, the Great War and Eclipse Age are largely forgotten over time
  • 273

    Modern Day

    Rexist-controlled Durian United Republic maintains control over the western continent of Katesh, with the Charavian Union overseeing the eastern continent of Onias