smallpox vaccine
If the English surgeon Edward Jenner had not infected to the people whit a similar to smallpox virus, the vaccines wouldn’t has created never. -
Rabies vaccine
If Louis Pasteur had not studied the vaccine of smallpox virus, he wouldn’t has invented the Rabies vaccine. -
diphtheria vaccine
If Roux and Yersin had not discovered the Diphtheria toxin, Behring and Shibasaburo wouldn’t have experienced whit the immunity in the fluids, no in the cells. -
cholera vaccine
If Koch had not isolated the the cholera bacillus, Jaime Ferran wouldn’t has developed the vaccine against Koch's bacillus. -
vaccine for typhoid fever
If wright and Pfeiffer had not invented the typhoid fever vaccine, British soldiers wouldn’t have survived in India. -
tuberculosis vaccine
If the veterinarian Carrille had not studied the mycobacterium tuberculosis, the BCG wouldn’t has existed. -
vaccine for tetanus
If Behring had not isolated the tetanus toxin, Gaston and zoeller wouldn’t have saved to the French soldiers. -
Yellow fever vaccine
If Sellards and Laigret had not invented the Yellow fever vaccine, millons of people soldiers wouldn’t have been with live. -
polio vaccine
If Ender Robbins and Weller had not investigated researched polio virus, Jonas Salk wouldn’t has invented the polio vaccine. -
measles vaccine
If Enders and Peebles had not grown wild measles virus, the measles vaccine wouldn’t has been in the world. -
vaccine for human papillomavirus
If the vaccine against human papillomavirus had not invented, the women would have been more cancer of cervix.