Uxía Nur Pereiro Pérez_G&H_4°E

By uxianur
  • Period: 1492 to

    Modern Age

    Since Colón discovered America to the start of the French Revolution
  • Period: to

    Enclosure acts

    Laws authorised by the British Parliament which obligated the famers to buy or sold their piece of land and pass to the enclosed fields system. If the farmers couldn´t buy their property they had to emigrate to cities or became labourers in exchange for a wage.
  • John Kay’s flying shuttle

    John Kay’s flying shuttle
    Increase speedproduction + wider fabrics
  • Period: to

    1st Industrial Revolution

    interconnected changes (parallel revolutions) driven by
    innovation and pioneered by Great Britain
  • James Watt’s steam engine

    James Watt’s steam engine
    This invent revolutionized the trade, the industry, the transport...
  • Adam Smith publishes The Wealth of Nations

    Adam Smith publishes The Wealth of Nations
    The economic liberalism, based on privatet ownwership, was established by liberal British authors, including Adam Smith
  • Invention of the power loom

    Invention of the power loom
  • Declaration of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of Man and of the Citizen
    Abolishment of feudalism.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Liberal Revolutions

  • Period: to

    Contemporary Age

    Since the start of the French Revolution to nowadays
  • Period: to

    Constitutional monarchy

    1st phase of the revolution.
    Driven by: moderate bourgeoisie.
    -Abolish Ancien Regime and establish a moderate liberal monarchy.
    -elect a parliament (selective suffrage)
    -establlish a constitution
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Impact of enlightenment ideas (rights of the citizens, separation of powers, tolerance equality and freedom) + American Revolution.
    Social crisis: 3rd state were unhappy.
    Subsistence crisis: poor harvest, prices increased...
    Financial crisis: debt of France.
    The 3rd state wanted to abolish the Ancient Régime.
  • Estates-General meeting

    Estates-General meeting
    Luis XVI convenes the assembly for the fiscal enquiry.
    In this reunion the privileged states demanded a vote per state, but obviously the 3rd state representatives demanded a vote per person.
    The privileged ignored the 3rd state even know that they represented more than the 80% of the population. That's why they got angry and they asked anyone in the room to join them (revoluctionary action)
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Luis XVI tried to expell all the representatives of the 3rd states and the others who joined them of the assembly. So he closed the door of the room where they celebrated the meeting. But the 3rd state instead of giving up they met in a pavilion in Versailles called Jeau de Paume and proclaimmed themselves the National Assembly of France, their objective was to draft a constitution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The citizens of Paris decided to reveal themselves when they realized that Luis XVI was not going to change anything, so they stormed the Bastille of Paris and destroyed it.This event was the spark that set off the Revolution through all France.
  • Woman's March on Versailles

    Woman's March on Versailles
    They forced the king to abandon the palace and go to Paris to be closer to the people and see the problems with his own eyes.
  • 1st French Constitution II

    1st French Constitution II
    The people choose the Electoral Assembly and the Courts, but because of the census suffrage only French males over 25 years old who paid taxes could vote.
  • 1st French constitution

    1st French constitution
    Formation of a Legislative Assembly, wich drafted new laws:
    -Guilds were abolish.
    - Formation of the National Guard, a new armed force to defend the Revolution.
    -Nobility is forced to pay taxes.
    -The properties of the church were confiscated and sold
    -Civil Constitution of the Clergy, wich determinated that the French Catholic Church had to respond to the French government not to the papacy.
    And of course the King was limited but he had the power of beto.
  • Period: to

    Social Republic: Girondin Convention

    National Convention: assembly elected by universal male suffrage.
    They executed the King & the Queen, so they started to have some problems:
    Absolutist coalition in Europe against revolutionaries and royalist plots by privileged classes.
    But thanks of that a lot of revolutionary revolts started in the countryside.
    In 1793 the Jacobins seized power and started the most extreme phase of the revolution.
  • War of the 1st Coalition

    War of the 1st Coalition
    Legislative Assembly declares war to Austria and Prussia.
  • Storm of Tuileries Palace

    Storm of Tuileries Palace
    The republicans stormed the palace and imprisoned the royal family, declaring a republic in France.
  • Period: to

    Social Republic: Jacobin Convention

    New constitution: republic, popular sovereignty (universal male suffrage), social equality. Executive power rests in the Comittee of Public Safety leaded by Robespierre.
    They basically did 2 things: approve social laws to satisfy sans-coulottes and neutralize enemies. For foreign enemies they implemented a mass levy to increase army forces, to try not to be invaded. And to stop revolutionary revolts and plots in France they started the Reign of Terror, executions under the Law of Suspects.
  • Execute of Louis XVI

    Execute of Louis XVI
    Because of that:
    ·Formation of an absolutist coalition in Europe.
    ·Revolutionary revolts in the countryside.
    ·Royalist plots of the privileged classes.
  • Period: to

    Conservative Republic

    Robespierre and his supporters are executed. Moderate bourgeoisie seized power and cancelled Jacobin laws and drafted a new Constitution: census suffrage, executive power -> directory.
    They had the opposition of aristocrazy and common people, so this government was unstable.
    Napoleon ended the French Revolution in 1799 and started to rule the country.
  • Period: to

    The Consulate

    Napoleon Bonaparte organised a coup d'état to end the political inestability of the Revolution, to consolidate some of the revolutionary principles and to recover the economy.
    In this period of time Napoleon created a new political sytem established by the constitution of 1800, he made economic reforms and other reforms: the Civil code for al citizens, creation of lycées, allowed exiles to return...
  • Coup of 18th Brumaire

    Coup of 18th Brumaire
    Napoleon Bonaparte organised a coup supported by the army and by a large part of the bourgeoisie. He started an authoritarian rule.
  • Constitution of 1800

    Constitution of 1800
    New political system.
    NO separation of powers and declaration of rights.
    Limited liberties and public opinion censured.
    States organized in departments, ruled by prefects.
  • Period: to

    The Napoleonic Empire

    In 1803 Napoleon started conquiring Europe and he defeated most European monarchies, he did this in record time thanks to his large army an his new military strategies. In 1804 he was crowned Emperor. In 1811 Napoleonic Empire reached its zenith. Then he started losing battles and territory. Finally in 1815 Napoleon abdicated and was sent to exiled to St Helena.
  • Napoleon crowned emperor

    Napoleon crowned emperor
    Napoleon was named Emperor by the Pope.
  • Treaty of Fountainebleau

    Treaty of Fountainebleau
    Allowed French troops to pass trough
    Spain to invade Portugal, because they were alliates of England.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    By which France and Spain acorded to invade Portugal and divide it in 3 reigns one for France, one for Spain and another for Godoy. This treaty allowed French troops to pass through Spain.
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    The ocupations of the French troops and the intrigues of Ferninand VII against his father led to the popular Mutinity of Aranjuez as a result Charles IV abdicated in favour of his son. Napoleon then triked Ferninand VII and convinced him to give up the crown in favor of his father. Who was previously convinced by Napoleon to abdicate in his favour and finally Napoleon crowned his brother Joseph I.
  • Invasio of Spain and Joseph Bonaparte crowned king.

    Invasio of Spain and Joseph Bonaparte crowned king.
    Napoleon knew the difficult situation of Spain so he cheated Carlos IV saying that he will move his army through Spain to invade Portugal, so Carlos allowed him but when Napoleon had all his army in Spanish territory he forced Carlos IV to abdicate and give him the crown. Then Napoleon gave the crown to his brother Joseph I.
  • Period: to

    War of Independence

    It was caused by the French occupation, it began in 1808 in Madrid.
    ·popular resistance (1808): stopped the French advance.
    ·French offensive (1808-1812): Napoleon took the control of the French army and ocuped most of Spain, except Granada and Cádiz. In 1812 many French troops were took to invade Russia.
    ·Anglo-Spanish victories (1812-1814): Brittish army supported Spain. France was defeated in The Battle of Salamanca
    Treraty of Valençay->END OF WAR->Ferninand VII came back
  • Period: to

    Luddite movement

    First workers to protests in England. Violent destruction of machinery because they though it was the responsible of low wages and unemployment.
  • La Pepa (1812 Spanish constitution)

    La Pepa (1812 Spanish constitution)
    In Cádiz was formed a parliament which most of the representative were liberal, this led to a liberal Constitution that was adopted in 1812. It stablished a separation of powers, national sovereignty, universal male suffrage and recognised broad individual rights.
    They also approved reforms to abolish Ancient Régime and to create a liberal state.
    However, La Pepa was never implemented because of the war, which made the consolidation of liberalism even more difficult.
  • Treaty of Valençay

    Treaty of Valençay
    The French signed this treaty, they returned to France and returned the crown to Ferninand VII.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Ferninand VII (2)

    ·Ominous decade (1823-1833):
    Political and economical crisis
    war of independence
    Spain was bankrupt /
    \ independence of the colonies
    Financial reform proposed, never applicated
    Ferninand VII lost absolutist supporters
    1830 Isabel born -> Pragmatic Santion ❌Salic law
    Absolutists didn't recognize her, they supported Charles (Ferninand's brother)
  • Period: to

    Reign of Ferninand VII (1)

    ·Six years of absolutism (1814-20):
    Manifiesto de los Persas
    Ferninand VII repealed the 1812 Constitution
    Liberals - persecuted -> exile
    Unsuccesful liberal pronunciamentos
    1814 Argentina's independence
    ·Liberal Triennium (1820-23):
    1820: Rafael del Riego's pronunciamento ✔ -> The king was forced ti reinstate the Constitution
    National Militia -> defended liberal regime
    Ferninand VII appealed to the Holly Alliance
    Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis -> restored absolutism
  • Manifiesto de los Persas

    Manifiesto de los Persas
    Signed by the absolutist representatives of the Cortes, who requested an absolute monarchy. Beacause of this manifiesto Ferninand VII saw that he had supporters so he could be an absolut monarch.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Reunion of the four great powers of Europe organized by Austrian Chancellor Metternich. That had as objective stop the spread of liberal ideas and restore absolutism. Two of the most important principles of the restoration are the balance of power and the rght of intervention. Because of these congress the territorials borders changed, the four great powers reshaped the European map to their advantage, and France returned to its borders of 1792.
  • Holly Alliance Treaty

    Holly Alliance Treaty
    It´s one of the consequences of the Congress of Vienna, it establish that Russia, Prussia and Austria ( the absolut monarchs) would unit against any threat of liberal revolution.
  • Period: to

    Restoration of Absolutism

    Principles of the Restoration:
    -Legitimacy of absolute monarchs.
    - Denial of national sovereignty.
    - Balance of power.
    - Right of intervention.
    Holly Alliance Treaty:Absolute
    monarchs would unite against any threat of
    liberal revolution.
    Changes of territories's borders.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleonic imperial armies were defeated in Waterloo by Prussia and Russia.
  • Pronunciamiento of Colonel Rafael del Riego

    Pronunciamiento of Colonel Rafael del Riego
    The king was forced to reinstate the Constitution of 1812 -> Liberal Triennium began.
  • Period: to

    Greek War of Independence

    Greek had formed part of the Ottoman Empire for centuries, but Greeks had to pay high taxes, they were excluded from state administration jobs and they were dominated by people with completely different culture and beliefs.
    In 1822 the Greeks declared the independence but it wasn't recognised by the Turks.In 1827 Greek defeated the Turks thanks to the French and Britain military help. 1830 official independence.
    France and Britain intervened for economic and commercial interests.
  • Holly Alliance intervention: Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis

    Holly Alliance intervention: Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis
    Ferdinand VII appealed to the Holy Alliance to sent troops to defend the absolutism ( Hundred Thousand SOns of Saint Louis)
    1823 the Holly Alliance's troops restored absolutism
  • Abolishment of the 'Combination Acts'

    Abolishment of the 'Combination Acts'
    In England,1824, appeared the repeal of the 'Combintion Acts', which were laws that prohibited worker's association. After that unions of workers of the same field were created.
  • Stephenson’s Steam locomotive

    Stephenson’s Steam locomotive
    It's the application of the steam machine in the transport, in the rail. This invention expanded throught all Europe so it revolutionized the trade.
  • Revolutions 1830

    Revolutions 1830
    The people already had liberal ideas internalized and the Congress of Vienna did not respect them
    So there were two opposition forces:
    Liberalism: people are free and have fundamental rights.
    Nationalism: Political philosophy that defends the right of nations to exercise their sovereignty and create their own state.
    All these things unleash a wave of revolutions through Europe. But only the ones from Netherlands and France will be successful, so they had liberal political systems (constitutions)
  • Period: to

    The Belgian Revolution

    In 1825 the Congress of Vienna reunified the Netherland which had been separated for centuries and had nothing in common, but they didn't want to be unified.
    1830-39: armed conflict after Belgium’s declaration of independence.
    1839: Recognition of independence. Liberal monarchy in Belgium ruled by Leopold I.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabella II (2)

    ·The Moderate Decade: in 1843 Isabella was proclaimed queen. The Moderates led the power and they were lead by Narváez. They approved the constitution of 1845 which was very moderate.
    Authoritarian tendencies of political leaders, the influences of the "camarillas" and the electoral fraud led to a progressive military revolt which ended this period.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabella II (1)

    It's divided into 5 periods:
    ·The regency of Maria Christina (1833-1840): she supported the moderates but she was forced to hand power over the progressive liberals (Méndizabal) -> constitution 1837 & the desamortización started.
    ·Regency of Espartero: Maria Christina was forced to step down and General Espartero was appointed regent thanks to a press campaing. Espartero's athoritarian ideas and his decision to bomb Barcelona created a strong opposition and Isabella was declared of age at 13y/o
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabella II (3)

    ·The Progressive Biennium (1854-1856): Vicálvaro pronunciamiento led by General O’Donell and the National Militia was succesful. Juntas were formed and Isabella was forced to give power to support progressives and Espartero. They redacted the Constitution of 1855 which was never approved.
    ·The system in decline (1856-1868): Crisis in Espartero’s government caused Isabella II to hand the government over to O’Donell, leader of the Liberal Union (centralist party)->opposition grew.1866-military rev
  • Zollverein

    Prussia created a customs union with Germany
  • Grand National Consolidated Trades Union

    Grand National Consolidated Trades Union
    This organisation, known as Great Trade Union too, brought together different types of workers. Their objectives were: Defend the roght of association, improve wages and regulate children labour.
  • 1837 Constitution

    1837 Constitution
    It was progressive -> abolishment of the Ancient Regime
    - National sovereignty with census suffrage
    - Separation of powers
    - Two chambers: the Congress of Deputies and the Senate
    - Granted many rights and individual liberties Fiscal reform: confiscation and disentailment
  • 1845 Constitution

    1845 Constitution
    It was moderate and replaced the 1837's one.
    -Highly restricted suffrage <1%
    -Civil liberties -> restricted
    - Sovereignty shared between the Cortes and the Crown
    - Reorganisation of State and municipal administration. Only
    the Basque Country and Navarre held on their "fueros". They also approved other measures like the Concordat with the Holy See (finance the Church and stop the privatisation of its properties) -> no desamortización
  • Spring of nations - 1848

    Spring of nations - 1848
    People lived under the rule of an empire or were fragmented into various states but they wanted to live in independent nations free from the control of absolutist empires. So again there were numerous revolts in Europe. Many uprisings were suppressed but:
    Many democratic reforms and nationalistic aspirations were consolidated.
    Importance of workers (political force).
    Popular sovereignty by universal male suffrage.
    Collective rights.
  • Period: to

    French II Republic

    It's the consequence of a successful revolution in France.
    They killed Guizot who was a minister of Luis Felipe I and he had to exiliate. The citizens proclaimed the 2nd Republic in which some democratic principles were adopted:
    Universal male suffrage
    Press freedom
    Abolition of the death penalty
    Some right for workers
    These republic ends with a coup d'état from Napoleon III, who will become emperor.
  • Invention of the Bessemer converter

    Invention of the Bessemer converter
    Machine to do steel and produce steel parts and steel sheets
  • Period: to

    Italian Unification process

    Italy was divided in several states and Austria annexed Lombardy-Venetia.
    In 1859t the Kingdom of Piedmont, ruled by the liberal monarchy of Savoy with Cavour as Prime Minister, started the unification, they declared war on Austria and annexed Lombardy. A popular uprising lead by GAribaldi has started overthrew the absolute monarchies in Italy. In 1861 Victor Manuel II of Savoy proclaimed king of Italy. In 1866 Austria left Venetia, in 1870 The Papal States were annexed, Rome became the capital.
  • Period: to

    German Unification process

    Prussia and Austria were competing for power in the German Confederation.
    1834: Prussia created a customs union.
    1848: 1st freely elected parliament offered the crown of Germany to the king of Prussia, who refused it.
    1861: New political figures in Prussia: King Wilhelm I and Otto von Bismarck as chancellor.
    War on Denmark Austria and France-> tey won all of them
    1871: Proclamation of the Second German Empire (or Reich) with Wilhelm I as Kaiser
  • First International

    First International
    Was created at the initiatieve of Marx. It split in 1876 because of the ideological differences between Marxists, anarchists and trade unions.
  • Carl Marx publishes 'Das Kapital'

    Carl Marx publishes 'Das Kapital'
    Carl Marx was the creator of the marxism, he said that a revolution was needed to end capitalism and build a new egalitarian society.
    ✔️politcal parties
    ❌private property ✔️worker's states property https://youtu.be/dvxWn3yUDXY
  • Start of the monarchy of Amadeo of Savoy

    Start of the monarchy of Amadeo of Savoy
    Amadeo of Savoy was chosen to take the throne, supported by progressives, unionists and democrats. He approved measures to help economic recovery and democratisation process.
  • Proclamation of the First Republic

    Proclamation of the First Republic
    Amadeo of Savoy abdicated and the Cortes voted to form a republic. However, most of the deputies were monarchist they knew that that was the only option. The lower social classes were happy with the result and the republicans prepared a programme of social and economic reforms, everybody had many expectations. In 1873 elections were won by the federal republicans
  • Second International

    Second International
    It was founded by Marxist in the 100th anniversary of the Storm of the Bastille to coordinate the various socialist parties. They established symbols of the labour movement: anthem 'The Internationale' and the International Workers' day. Because of the ideological differences the anarchists were expelled from this movement.