Utah History

By kickit
  • Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail was 2,170 miles. Marcus and Narcissa Whitman were first to cross the Oregon Trail.
  • Oregon Trail

    Nancy Kelsey was the very first white to cross the Oregon Trail.
  • Explored The Great Basin

    Kit Carson, and John C. Fremont had explored the great basin.
  • Oregon Trail

    The Ute Indians had burned Fort Robidoux. Fort Robidoux was a trapper, who had a trapping liscense.
  • 70,000 Mormons crossed

    70,000 Mormons, in just 20 years, had travelled the Mormon Pioneer Trail. They had crossed 5 ststes.
  • U.S. won

    The United States won the Mexican war.
  • Slavery against the Indians

    Ute Indians with the Walker war, had begun slavery against the Indians.
  • Civil war

    John Brown had raided Harpers Ferry that sent in motion of events that had led directly of the outbreak to the civil war.
  • Civil war/ slavary

    1861- 1865 was the American civil war. Abraham Lincoln was a known opponent of slavery.