USSR + West 1953/5-1964

By df3star
  • Stalin's death impact on Western Govs

    -died 3 weeks after Eisenhower inauguration-Ike elected as "Cold Warrior", "roll back communism"
    -USA priorities were security + containment of Communism, reduce military expenditure for domestic reasons, + conciliatory approach to other
    -Eisenhower speech in April 1953-chance for peace-ended war in Korea + reduced military spending by $10 million by 1956
  • Stalin's death brought new leadership

    -died March 1953
    -relations improved between USSR + USA
    -collective leadership-5 men, political rivals who all want power
    -Khruschev head of USSR by 1958
    -Khruschev determined to improve living standards in USSR + dismantle police state-needed more relaxed international climate, esp w/ arms
  • East German revolt

    -food shortages + flood of refugees to W Ger
    -Soviets clung to unified socialist Ger
    -Ulbricht E Ger Chancellor ordered to slow forced programme of Sovietisation-concessions too little too late
    -16 June strikes + riots-wanted to introduce economic reforms, concessions to farmers + reduce taxes
    -Ulb withdrew some concessions 14 June
    -intervention of Soviet troops to restore order by 17 June backed by tanks
    -125 dead, 19 in E Ger, industrial areas
    -prompted USSR to make firm commitment to GDR
  • Impact new leadership on foriegn policy

    -soviet development of hydrogen bomb increased confidence
    -arms expenditure that isn't nuclear decreased
    -alarm at more aggressive attitude of new American regime w/ new Secretary of State Dulles-Churchill invited new Soviet leadership to a meeting of world powers in Berlin Jan 1954
  • Eisenhower's leadership

    -achieved withdrawal of Fr, Br + USA troops from Austria May 1955 + became neutral state
    -Geneva Conf July 1955 agreed to uphold existing political status quo
    -Sept USSR established diplomatic relations w/ GFR
    -period of relative tranquility-"everything's booming but the guns"-gaining little ground against USSR in Cold War
    -Eis doubt how genuine Khru's peaceful coexistence was
    -"New Look" Defence Policy-Operation Solarium, full review of foreign policy options
  • USA New Look policy

    -National security go beyond geographical territory of USA-defend democratic + capitalist values
    -balance between defence + other spending priorities-cut conventional forces + focus on developing nuclear arsenal-"More bang for the buck"
    -thought nuclear force would be deterrent to Sov aggression-research + development priority
    -CIA important-surveillance + covert missions
    -contrary to USA expectations, EU did not develop own forces
    -1957 USSR own ICBM + launched Sputnik 1-fear of missile gap
  • Khrushchev's aims

    -peaceful co-existence
    -boost + revitalise economy
  • Western govs aims

  • Reasons for signing Warsaw pact

    -NATO established as defensive alliance in 1949-another reason to distrust intentions of USA-threatening process
    -May 1955 West Germany joined NATO-deepened division of EU-eradicted long Soviet hope of friendly united German state-reactive mechanism w/ Warsaw + tightening of Soviet grip over E Ger
  • Warsaw Pact

    -GDR eventually joined in Jan 1956
    -Warsaw committed members to consult on issues of mutual interest + give all necessary assistance in event of an attack
    -Treaty signed fo political rather than military reasons as a response to FRG's entry to NATO
    -still kept option of neutral GER- "if a general EU treaty of collective security signed, Warsaw would lapse"
  • Geneva Conference

    -BR, Fr, USA + USSR met for first time since Potsdam-more positive climate
    -death of Stalin + Khru's aim of relaxed international climate eased tensions
    -Détente-relaxed + improved relationships
    -aim of discussing reunifications of Ger, disarmament,security of EU + relationships w/ E + W
  • Outcome of Geneva

    -no agreement reached over Ger
    -Khru's proposal to disband NATO + Warsaw pact rejected by Pres Eisenhower-NATO vital for security
    -Soviet leader rejected Eisenhower's "open skies policy"-limitations on military powers + surveillance flights over territory-West could spy on USSR
    -acceptance of status quo + understanding that neither side wanted war-atmosphere of friendship- SPIRIT OF GENEVA
    -agreed to meet in Paris 1960
  • Soviet economy

    -primary aim of USSR revitalise economy-peaceful co-existence massive implications in FP-cuts in defence budget-hardliners in Kremlin objected 20% reduction of size of Red Army
    -Malenkov "New Course"-diplomatic channels w/ West-end to Korean War
    -removal of Soviet military bases in Finland
    -signing of 1955 Austrian Treaty-reestablished Austria as independent state
    -reversed Stalin's view that war inevitable- "capitalism + communism could exist side by side w/out military conflict
    -false dawn
  • Aims + Motives of US foreign policy

    -Containment-USA forces expanded, conventional rose by 1m 1950-3, nuclear even more
    -US Strategic Air Command had 1735 bombers 1960-capacity to launch on Sov targets
    -neither Br/USA prepared to initiate actions that could lead to war-prepared for defence
    -Unity of W Govs-Eis + W Ger Chancellor disquiet abt Br + Fr seeking accommodation in USSR, thought Khru would take willing to compromise as weakness to exploit
    -fall outs over Suez
    -disapproved over Br PM visit to Moscow July 1959
  • West reaction to Hungarian Uprising

    -Hungarian calls for Western help-powers didn't intervene
    -expressed contempt for USSR
    -Hungary dashed hopes of thaw in relations-policy not changed
    -thought risk of nuclear war too big to give Hungarians any assistance-Eis preoccupied w/ re-election
    -US weakened by attempts of Br + Fr to consolidate control over Middle-East=Suez canal
    -prevented Western unity againsts Soviets
    -Arms race new levels-ICBMs
  • Motives, aims + methods of Khru's foreign policy

    -thaw in E/W relations w/Stalin-death provided opportunity for easing of relations
    -"no disputed or unresolved question which cannot be settled by mutual agreement of interested court-applies to relations w/ all states"-Malenkov to Supreme Soviet court
    -Spirit of Geneva-agreed on need for greater co-operations rather than confrontation
    -1955 Khru travelled to Belgrade to apologise to Tito
    -Khru's secret speech at 20th Congress attacked Stalin-"cult of personality"
    -visit to Br-peaceful co-exist
  • Poland 1956

    -20th Party Congress Khru hinted at more tolerant response-"imposing one's opinions on ways + forms of socialist development is alien to both"
    -Poznan factory staged protests over pay + conditions + stormed Communist Party headquarters
    -Battle for Poznan-popular resentment across country
    -Polish Comm party reappointed Gomulka as First Secretary-moderate
    -USSR sent delegation to Warsaw 19-20 Oct + ordered Red Army to advance in city + attempt to stop Gomulka's election
  • Poland 1956 cont.

    -withdrew troops + chose to believe Golmuka's reassurances of Poland remaining loyal to Warsaw Pact-voted for leader they wanted-change in USSR, took step back
    -Khru didn't want to exercise same control + terror as Stalin
  • Hungarian Uprising

    -23 Oct large demonstration in Budapest to support Polish reformers + demanded withdrawal of troops + new gov under Imre Nagy
    -USSR wanted Stalinist leader Rákosi replaced w/ Liberal Erno Gero-part of de-Stalinisation
    -Khru despactched 30,000 troops to Hungary
    -Gero replaced by Nagy-independent + reforming Communist
    -Khru willing to compromise-Principles of Friendship between USSR + Socialist countries
    -began to pull out troops of Hungary
    -Nagy announced he intended to withdraw from Warsaw Pact
  • Hungarian Uprising cont.

    -4th Nov Soviet troops + tanks entered Hungary
    -3000 killed-heavy fighting erupted in countryside
    -28 Oct rebels in control of most of Hungary outside Budapest
    -few days after Sov advance new gov loyal to USSR under János Kádér
    25-30,000 causalities, 200,000 escaped Hungary
    -Nagy replaced,arrested,executed
    -Tanks captured air fields,junctions,bridges
    -rebellion threatened Soviet control over E bloc-risked other satellites rioting
    -anti-Comm feelings threatened rule
    -Hungary appealed to UN-weak
  • Effects of Poland + Hungary

    -Khru condemned by world,demonstrated USSR would use force if necessary to maintain control
    -concessions difficult without creating demand for transformation into genuine democratic regimes
    -USSR lacked structure-Khru invited leaders of E bloc to Moscow Conf Oct 1957
    -military help-leaders could appeal
    -USSR deemed mightiest + greatest
    -broke off Tito relations
    -economic help considered-had to stick to political + economic model of USSR
    -hardening of Sov attitude parallel over triumph w/ Suez
  • Berlin Problem + Berlin Wall

    -Khru unable to force USA to demilitarise W Berlin, and not willing to start a war
    -Aug 1961 construction began for Berlin Wall
    -Berlin Wall-failed to force W Allies to withdraw troops or compel them to negotiate peace treaties w/ German states
    -contrusction of Berlin Wall success for Soviet policies-GDR existence recognised by West + FRG forced to drop Hallstein Doctrine
    -improved Soviet economy as skilled workers unable to flee
  • Berlin problem

    -1950s W Ger prospered-economic miracle w/ Marshall Aid
    -GDR loyal ally of USSR-remained fragile + artificial-dependent on Moscow + 20 divisions of troops at frontiers
    -confronted w/ prosperous W Ger + attracted youngest + ambitious citizens-losing skilled workers
    -1945-61 1/6 of E Germans fled West
    -crisis prompted by Khru speech 10th Nov 1958 demanding West withdrawal from W Berlin-"malignant tumour"-gave West 6 months to withdraw + failure would see USSR hand access rights to W Ber to E Ger
  • Western response to Berlin Wall

    -USA tanks appeared on streets of W Berlin + US recalled General Clay to supervise
    -Kennedy limited response to verbal condemnations + no economic sanctions induced
    -in private "a wall is a hell of a lot better than a war"-Kennedy
  • Berlin Wall - Success for West Govs?

    -Berlin Wall symbolised Cold War + humiliation for Khru + acknowledgement that Communism couldn't compete w/ Capitalism
    -Wall stabilised GDR's economy by stemming flood of E Ger refugees to West-able to introduce conscription
    -Second Berlin crisis-took great care to avoid risk of war
  • Period: to

    Improved relations 1961-64

    -Berlin Wall-prolonged crisis over Berlin ended-Kennedy wanted agreement
    -limited but important success-GDR existence recognised + tolerated-no hostility from USSR
  • Cuban Missile Crisis + Arms Race

    -Kennedy + Khru concerned about how close world was to Nuclear War
    -Khru willing to compromise-worried abt advantage USA believed to have w/ new ICBMs
    -developing weapons + delivery systems huge economic drain for USSR
    -concernced about challenge from communist China
  • Test Ban Treaty

    -banned nuclear tests in atmosphere, underwater + space-negotiated on assumption that only 2 nuclear powers which counted were USSR + USA
    -rejected by France and China who developed own nuclear weapons
    -significant first step as both sides committed to continued negotiations for nuclear disarmament
  • Reasons why the Test Ban Treaty was signed

    -Second Berlin Crisis demonstrated dangers of nuclear war
    -impact of Cuban Missile Crisis Oct 1962-nuclear weapons in CUba (90 miles off USA coast)-offered to withdraw only if US removed nuclear from Turkey-Kennedy refused + world on brink of war-both backed down
    -economic considerations-both wanted to reduce huge arms expenditure-major drain was Space Race
    -public opinion in US opposed nuclear tests
  • Degree of success of policies from West govs

    -nuclear parity ensured peace but came at huge cost to West economies
    -opponents of USSR not prepared to engage in military action to roll back communism if it would lead to direct confrontation
    -Kennedy displayed ideological commitment to democracy 1963-limited to rhetorical rather than physical