When we started our Media project, we started up a Blogger account in order to keep a track of our work and progress and we what we have been doing, it also helps us to collect all of our knowledge into one place for people to see and follow us in our development. -
YouTube was the first site I used in relation to research, I was able to use it to look at other music videos in order to collect information about them and analyse them when making my own. I embedded YouTube videos into my Blog so it was easy for other peopl to see what I was looking at and so I could easily find them when I needed them. -
ImgFlip and MakeAGif.com
I used two sites to make GIF's of certain parts in music vidoes to explain theories such as Vernalis' and Mulvey's. I used them to highlight camera angles, movements and other aspects that a still image wouldn't be able to show, I was also able to them place the gif's into my blog posts easily for peopel to see. -
VimeoI used Vimeo to look at previous students' work and embed it into my blog in order to talk about it, We also used Vimeo later on towards the end of the project to upload our own music video in high quality for free. We were able to password protect the video's on Vimeo which is very useful if we don't want random people watching them. -
We started our Group's Twitter account in October, this allowed us to tell the teachers where we were and what we were doing at all times when out and filming. It also allowed to teachers to keep up to date with our filming progress. -
We used Instagram in the same way as Twitter, for the teachers to keep up to date with us, we were also able to take photos for proof and to show them visually what we were working on. Using this they were able to tell us if something looked good or not and what we could change to improve it. -
<a href='<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/76885613" width="500" height="281" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>' >Animatic</a> We created an animatic using Adobe Premiere, the animatic allowed us to look at our different shots and see how they'd work together in sequence with the music. Even though ti was rough it was very useful in showing us things we can and can't do. It also told us if the story made sense or not. -
GoAnimate is a program which allows you to have little characters and make them talk and do actions, we created our Risk Assessment using this because we thought it'd be a bit mroe fun and exciting instead of just typing out lists. This site was both bad and good, it did give the class a few laughs and livened the mood but was also a bit hard to take seriously, and some of the voices were a little hard to understand. However, we did get our Risk Assesment across so that's good. -
We used Microsoft PowerPoint to create our pitch for the idea of our music video. This was very successfuly as we could change each slide to accomodate each aspect of what we wanted to talk about, we could also animate the slides and add sounds over it to make it a better experience, we were also able to export it and embed it into our blog which was very useful if we needed to go back and view certain slides again. We presented this pitch to the class and it went down very well. -
I used two different forums in order to find out about my audience and what they want to see in the music video, I used the Arctic Monkey's official website and I used IGN in order to do this. This was helpful because I could get comments back from various people who like the same genre music andf I could go through and get ideas for the music video with what they've said. -
JVC GYHM100 Camera
We used a very hi-tech camera in order to film our music video, the JVC camera was able to record in very high definition and could use two memory cards at once so we had enough space for all the footage, we also used it with a light and fig rig in order to optimise our shots. -
I used my Flickr account to apply a lot of pictures to one blog post without it being too overbearing, and without filling up the whole space with loads of pointless pictures. It was very neat and useful, clicking it would take you to a slideshow of all the images we needed to show you without bieng in your way. -
Final Cut Pro
We used Final Cut Pro to edit our video clips together.
It was very helpful because we could use base tracks and add effects onto the video. You can see how the program is layed out, we used this to look at clips and see them in the final version and see the editing differences. -
Colour Picker
Colour Picker is a tool in Final Cut which allowed us to change the colours in the video, we used it to firstly contrast the video and then to finally make the video black and white, this was very useful and we used it in every shot. -
I used Photoshop throughout my project, I used it to try out a few diamond logo designs near the beginning and then finally to create my Ancillary work.
I was able to create my album and advert using this program. One thing i particularly used was the colour palete, this helped me keep my custom colours available for use and allowed me to keep a colour theme. -
Photoshop Distort
The distort tool allowed me to bend and move my text in order to make it fit into my diamond shape. This was really useful and fun because it made it look more professional and my own design. -
Time Toast
Finally I used time toast to create this evaluation question. I was able to show all the technologies I used and when I used them throughout my journey.