Period: to
Potato Famine
- A plague that make the potatoes die and get bad - This lead to lots of Irish immigrants that went to the United States.
Karl Marx/Comm Manifesto
-One of the political books most influential in the united states. - Its written by two people Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. -
Bessemer Process
-Henry Bessemer was the one who discovers this process for steel making. -A more cheap and quickly way to make metal. -
First oil well
-This lead to the industrial growing of the united states. - Give job opportunity to people that din had a job and needed money. -
Seward Purchase
-The United States bough Alaska from Russia they bough 1.518.800 kilometers of territory. -The United States buy Alaska for 7 millions$. -
Chinese Exclusion
-This was signed by the U.S.A. president Chester A. Arthur for excluting Chinese people of the U.S. - Gave more jobs for people that were born in the U.S. -
New Collosus
-Poem, wrote by Emma Lazarus -Welcoming poor and uneducated immigrants to U.S. to work in factories. -
Rock Springs Massacre
- The white men where not getting hired because they paid less the Chinese. - White man killed Chinese for steeling their jobs opportunity and burn down their Chinatown.
How the Other Half Lives
-A book make by Jacob Riis a photographer that shows most sad economic situations in the streets.- This show people the real way how people where living in the streets. -
Hull House
- A settlement founded by Jane Addams. - This settle immigrants that did not have where to stay.
Period: to
Homestead Strike
-Carnegie Steel plant workers strike that was broken by the state militia. -This lead to the union to be out of the plant for four decades. -
Annexation of Hawaii
-Was when the United States saw that the Hawaii way of ruling want working so they Annexed Hawaii. - Other of the reason they annexed was for their land that were perfect for crops. -
USS Maine explodes
-The US main leaded to the Spanish- American war that the United States won. - Later almost 60 year later it was discovered that the Main blow up by accident. -
Period: to
Philippines becomes a US Colony
-With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States. - In 1946 the United States give completely independence to the Philippians. -
White Man’s Burden
Rudyard Kipling is the writer of the poem about the Philippine American War 18991902. Invites the U.S. to take colonial control of the Philippians. -
Platt Amendment
-Was for removing US troops from Cuba. - allows United States to take actions in Cuban affairs and buy or lease land for naval bases. -
Panamanian Independence
-1881 to 1889 they failed building the Canal.-Panama Canal was built by the united States due to they helped Panama had their independence. -
Sinking of The Lusitania
-Was sink by the Germany submarine warfare withouth no warning.
- A boat that was carrying people to british and secretly carrying weapons to the british army. -
Triangle shirt Factory
-A shirt industries that gets on fire and kill lots of people. -Lead to fair rules for the working class. -
Ludlow Massacre
- Was an attack to people that were a collateral damage hidden in a hole.Children and kids were kills in these event. -This make people consider why thy were in a strike and give more rights to the worker class.
Assassination of FF
-He was with his wife and a terrorist fired several shots at his car, and both died.
-It made different reactions one was that Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia later. -
Zimmerman note/telegram
-A telegraph interceptet by the british that was a deal by Germany with Mexico that said if the U.S wanted to get involved in war they would had to declared war to the United States.
-This make the U.S. declare war to Germany and get WWI. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- Was a treaty sing Bolshevik government of Soviet Russia and the Central Powers that ended Russia's participation in World War I. -When Russia Belts out gave advantages to the Central Power to win.
US rejects League of Nations
Us rejects the League of Nations due to the fear of getting into other war. If the United States had accepted the L.N. probably the WWI wount have happened. -
Treaty of Versailles
-A peace treaty signed by the Allied powers and Germany.
-it stated Germany responsibility for the war and required Germany to pay reparations(money that Germany neede to paid) to the Allied countries(reduced Germans territory) and included the League of Nations