use of technology in the production of my work.

By AA89948
  • use of apps and various wbsites to construct my ideas and present them.

    Since I first started blogging, I needed to document my findings and ideas in a more pleasing and attractive way in order to improve the aesthetics of my blog.And so i used websites such as : kizoa, slide share, moovley, youtube, voki, thiinglink, pintrest and many more to visually present my work in a memorable way. for example some were good for uploading images, others were good for embeding video clips and write ups, tis was really great because there was a constant variety of things to try.
  • My Blog!

    My Blog!
    Throughout my media course i have been using '' to document all of my work that i produce in and out of lessons. this is also where I have been able to post my resarch, planning and eventually my evaluations. It was very easy to navigate around this site and i like that i was able to embed various apps or videoas and images to enhance my ideas and the aesthetics of my blog.
  • use of the Mac computers to do research for the music video.

    Without the mac computers my job to complete work on time and efficiently would be impossible, so i would say that the mac computers were a key piece of technology i have been using throughout this course. On these computers i was able to use search engines such as 'google or ask jeeves' in order to collect the neccessary information required to complete set tasks.
  • use of the hard drive and memory cards .

    these two items were crutuial in our production tasks as we needed to store information on them such as our animatics and story boards. they were very useful, as they were portable they came in handy and were made easily accessible to us. We would deposit our drafts and unfinished work on the hard drive to make sure we didnt lose any important work and used the memory cards everytime we filmed from the lip sync tutorial to feedback from our peers to filming o ur actual music video.
  • filming for our music video. (use of filming equipment)

    The filming equipment connsisted of a proffesional camera, memory cards, batterys and a water proof camera (one of my group members property). These items were essential to record our footage, without them we wouldnt haven a music video.
  • use of my phone to document our filming day 1

    My phone was a back up incase i didnt have a camera at hand, and it proved to be really useful as i filmed certain events that we were at and documwnted how we were doing. Through using my phone i was able to make vlogs about our filming days and the feedback we got from our work.
  • use of a flip camera to document filming day 2

    I decided to use a flip camera as well as my phone to document our filming days simply because I noticed that the flip camera worked better in highly lighted areas which my phone would otherwise pick up and get in the way of what I was filming so it was neccessary to have both at hand.
  • final cut pro (starting to edit our music video)

    final cut pro (starting to edit our music video)
    Final cut [ro was intersting to use as it had many functions and could really enhance and perfect your work if used accurately, it became our go to for editing the music video and may houirs were spent experimenting through the different effects available and base track cutting.
  • use of a flip camera and my phone to document audience feedback.

  • started using photoshop (creating my digipak and advertisement)

    As for the production of my digipak and advertisement I was mainly using photoshop in order to piece together my creation. in photoshop I edited in an image of my artist using tools available such as the wand tool, as well as this i was able to change the tone of my image to suit the rest of the work through changing its density and tone, wjhich was another useful function of photoshop. Other aspects of my digipak and advertisement were text and colour.