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US Civil War (1861-1865)

  • Fort Sumter Battle

    Fort Sumter Battle
    The Fort Sumter battle was the first attack during the US Civil War. Once the Confederates opened fire with the fifty cannons, it was officially stated that the US Civil War had begun.
  • Half of Virginia secedes.

    Half of Virginia secedes.
    Virginia was just ONE state. Half of Virginia didn't agree with the ideals of the Union so they decide to secede. Withinh time, once one state seceded, others did too. The Confederacy grew within all the new members. Still, the Union had the advantage of the fact that they were so much fighting against so little.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    General Irvin McDowell (Union) marched from Washington to Centreville against the Confederate army. The general and his people were defeated in Bull Run. The Union Army pulled back so that people in Washington be safe. Another victory for the Confederacy...
  • Fort Henry and Donelson Battle

    Fort Henry and Donelson Battle
    This was the first real victory for the Union. This battle was in Tennessee and it didn't last long. As a consequence there was another battle about a week after called the Battle of Fort Donelson.
  • Second Manassas Battle

    Second Manassas Battle
    Also known as the Second Battle of Bull Run in North Virginia. Seventy-five people under Gen. John Pope's rule (Unionist) are defeated by fifty-five people under Gen. Stonewall Jackson and Gen. James Longstreet rule. And another victory for confederates.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The emancipation proclamation was a written command that freed the slaves that seceeded from the Union. It did not freed the slaves that live on the border states.
  • Gettysburg Battle

    Gettysburg Battle
    This was the largest battle in history of the Western Hemisphere. About a hundred thousand people died in three days. This became a turning point making this the last time the South invaded the North.
  • Lincoln's Death

    Lincoln's Death
    The night before Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth in the theatre. He died the next morning, making Andrew Johnson assume being the new president.